2025 ART FUTURE 藝術未來博覽會
29 12 月, 2024 @ 11:00 上午 - 12 1 月, 2025 @ 7:00 下午
Public Days 公眾展期
2025/1/11 11:00~19:00
2025/1/12 11:00~19:00
由大苑藝術於2019年創辦的ART FUTURE是亞洲第首創聚焦於40歲以下藝術家的藝術博覽會,歷年來已蔚為培力亞洲新銳藝術之平台與挖掘超新星藝術家(ultra-contemporary artists)的重要舞台。
Founded in 2019 by Formosa Art Fair Co. Ltd., ART FUTURE is the first Asian art fair dedicated to artists under 40 years old. It has become a major arena for incubating emergin Asian artists and discovering ultra-contemporary artists.
2025 ART FUTURE聚集了國內以經營年輕藝術家為主的寶于藝術、新苑藝術、台灣女性藝術家協會、發現藝術、尼頌詩藝術等等,以及初次參展的以及初次參展的盼望空間尤其著眼藝術的療癒力量。此外,2024台南新藝獎與漾藝博藝術博覽會獲獎者以及藝術院校新媒體藝術創作者也將在展出之列。
2025 ART FUTURE features galleries from Taiwan, including Bau Yu Art Center, Galerie Grand Siècle, and Taiwan Women’s Art Association, Discovery ART and Galerie Naissance, which mainly show young artists. Particularly, Mikveh Space which participates in the fair for the first time will show works that embody the healing power of art. Additionally, winners of major art prizes in Taiwan (such as Next Art Tainan), participants of Young Art Kaohsiung art fair, as well as young talents in new media art from art colleges will show their works.
本屆參展的海外畫廊尤以韓國藝廊為主力,除了包括甫於大苑藝術主辦的2024 ART KAOHSIUNG高雄藝術博覽會引起矚目的Project Iguyena與Keumsan Gallery,還將展出Gallery Jeon、Art Boda、Gallery We、AP Gallery、Gallery M、Gallery Michelle、Gallery Jeon、LeeSeoul Gallery等畫廊的藝術家。參展的日本畫廊則包括GalleryRa、Silver Shell,以及於大苑藝術主辦的2024 ART FORMOSA福爾摩沙藝術博覽會開創亮眼佳績的Ginza Kawauso Gallery與瀨戶內藝術集體(Setouchi Art Collective),瀨戶內藝術及提尤其將再度呈獻於2024 ART FORMOSA備受青睬的Takafumi Tsuji的肖像畫作。此外,也將展出精選的東南亞年輕藝術家作品。
Foreign participating galleries mainly include Korean galleries, including Project Iguyena and Keumsan Gallery which recently showed in 2024 ART KAOHSIUNG (also organized by Formosa Art Fair Co., Ltd.) and caught attention, along with Gallery Jeon, Art Boda, Gallery We, AP Gallery, Gallery M, Gallery Michelle, Gallery Jeon and LeeSeoul Gallery. Japanese galleries include GalleryRa and Silver Shell, along with Ginza Kawauso Gallery and Setouchi Art Collective, which attained great results at 2024 ART FORMOSA (also organized by Formosa Art Fair Co., Ltd.).
Particularly, Setouchi Art Collective will again bring works by Takafumi Tsuji whose portraits were much appreciated during 2024 ART FORMOSA. Moreover, selected emerging artists from Southeast Asia will show their outstanding pieces.
票種 |
票價(元) |
售票期間 |
售票通路 |
Early Bird One Day Ticket 早鳥一日票 | 300 | 2024.12.19-2025.1.5 | ACCUPASS 獨家限量販售 |
One Day Ticket 一日票 | 400 | 2025.1.5-2025.1.12
2025.1.11-2025.1.12 |
On the Spot 現場販售 |
Discount Ticket 優待票 | 200 | 2025.1.11-2025.1.12 | On the Spot 現場販售 |
※Disabilities individuals with the handbooks can purchase concession tickets for NT$150 on-site.
※Children under 110cm in height are admitted for free and must be accompanied by at least one adult throughout the whole exhibition.
報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2412190349382793144500
(1) 票券與專刊需於會展期間兌換使用。
(2) 憑電子票券得於現場兌換實體票券。
(3) 一日票僅得於公眾展期間2025/01/11(11:00~19:00)、2025/01/12(11:00~19:00)使用,當日無限次入場。
(4) 憑實體票券可免費參與導覽。
(5) 每日閉展前30分鐘停止現場售票。
(6) 票券售出恕不退款(除染疫、天災人禍等不可控因素)。
(7) 本活動委託ACCUPASS代開發票。
User instructions
(1) Tickets and Catalog need to be redeemed during the exhibition.
(2) E-tickets need to be exchanged for physical tickets on site.
(3) One-day tickets are only available during the public exhibition period 2025/01/11 (11:00~19:00), 2025/01/12 (11:00~19:00), unlimited admission on the day.
(4) You can participate in the art guide tour for free with physical tickets.
(5) On-site ticket sales will stop 30 minutes before the closing of the exhibition every day.
(6) There will be no refunds for ticket sales (Excluding uncontrollable factors such as covid epidemics, natural disasters and man-made disasters).
(7) This event entrusts ACCUPASS to issue invoices on its behalf.
- 展場作品攝影前,需先取得參展畫廊的同意。
- 展場作品攝影前,需先取得參展畫廊的同意。除有特殊聲明者外,開放非商業性拍照,不得使用閃光燈;為維護智慧財產權,請勿使用三腳架、手持穩定器等各式專業攝錄影器材。
- 全展區禁止吸菸。
- 長傘請置放在電梯入口處,折疊雨傘收至包包內。
- 展區內禁止奔跑嬉戲。
Admission Notes
1. Before taking photos of the exhibition works, looking for participating galleries agreement is mandatory.
2. Unless otherwise stated, non-commercial photography is open and flashlights are not allowed; in order to protect intellectual property rights, please do not use tripods, handheld stabilizers and other professional video equipment.
3. Smoking is prohibited in the whole exhibition area.
4. Please put the long umbrella at the entrance of the elevator, and put the folded umbrella in the bag.
5. It is forbidden to run and play in the exhibition area.