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傳播學院 School of Communication|傳院週 Communication Week

12/23 @ 12:00 下午 - 12/27 @ 8:00 下午


12/23(一)12:00傳院週開幕式在鬥牛場率先登場!《槍林彈雨尋真相 開幕通緝眾人集》盛大的剪綵儀式搭配超精采表演,這可不是普通的開幕,而是宣告:「傳院分局,今天起辦案啦!」 各位同學歡迎到場觀賞,一同開啟一週的傳院追緝人生!

隔天12/24(二)12:10,案發現場移到7-11前廣場!《警匪追逐戰 SNG來破案》熱血開戰,讓你瞬間變身「專業主播」或「神探記者」。兩人一組,主播需穿著正式服裝,鎮定自若面對鏡頭,記者則一肩扛起「爆料」重任,隨時出手「抓到新聞破口」。前三名還能抱走精美大禮,同學們的專業播報,這次有「禮」了!詳細活動內容請洽傳播學院學會IG【mcu_comm】。

然而,到了晚上就別太輕鬆了。18:30在H604驚悚鬼屋正式「開案」,《鮮血淋漓 殺人「成」魔》讓同學體驗什麼叫「一步一驚心」。這次鬼屋主題可是正港恐怖風結合七夜怪談與裂嘴女,靈異事件一個接一個,敢進來「破案」,也得想清楚能不能全身而退!每人NT$50(繳系費者免費),6人一組,歡迎全校學生共同報名參與!

傳院週的重頭戲當然少不了一場華麗盛宴!12/25(三)18:45逸仙堂變成為「傳院spotlight」的舞台。晚會《我在警局 spend a night》安排滿滿節目和驚喜橋段,讓大家嗨翻全場,跳舞、尖叫、笑到模糊。




The “Comm Bureau” is here! Christmas is on duty, and the most exciting “Communication Week” invites you to laugh out loud! This year, the School of Communication is turning up the heat with a festive police station theme, boldly proclaiming: “We’ve got your back!” From Monday, December 23, to Friday, December 27, get ready for five days of non-stop fun, laughter and unforgettable moments that will make you want to “call for backup” (in the best way possible!).

Schedule of Events

Day 1: 12/23 (Mon) 12:00 – Grand Opening

Kick off at the Basketball Court with “Bullets and Truth: Opening Chase Live Show”. Join us for a spectacular ribbon-cutting ceremony and exciting performances as we officially announce: “The Comm Bureau is now open for business!” Come and experience the thrill of launching Communication Week with style!

Day 2: 12/24 (Tue) 12:10 – Crime Scene Challenge

At the plaza in front of 7-Eleven, participate in “Police vs. Thieves: SNG News Chase!” Transform into a “professional anchor” or “detective reporter” for this thrilling game. In pairs, the anchor must face the camera in formal attire with poise, while the reporter digs deep for breaking news. The top three teams will win exclusive prizes. Details available on School of Communication’s IG @mcu_comm.

Evening: 18:30 – Haunted House
Brace yourself in H604 for “Blood and Terror: Killers Unleashed”. With a chilling theme inspired by The Ring and Kuchisake-onna, this haunted house promises spine-tingling frights. Only the brave may dare to enter! Fee: NT$50 per person (free for department members), 6 people per group. Open to all students.

Day 3: 12/25 (Wed) 18:45 – Christmas Gala

The Sun Yat Sen Auditorium transforms into a dazzling stage for the “A Night at the Police Station” Christmas Gala. Enjoy thrilling performances, games and surprise segments that will have you laughing, dancing, and shouting with joy. A night of pure entertainment awaits!

Day 4: 12/26 (Thu) 12:00 – Action Game Day

In the badminton court, test your skills in the “Chasing Game”. Teams of six will take on quirky challenges, including wearing odd props on their shoes while completing search missions. It’s chaos and comedy rolled into one! Limited to six teams, so grab your spot fast.

Day 5: 12/27 (Fri) 17:30 – Year-End BBQ Party

End the week with a bang at the “Barbecue Blowout: Handcuffs Included!” Held at the Basketball Court, this BBQ party will have you grilling, feasting and laughing your way out of 2024. Fee: NT$200 per person, teams of 10-12, limited to 12 groups. Don’t miss out—join the ultimate celebration!

This year’s Communication Week is packed with professional yet crazy, hilarious yet thrilling activities. From news reporting and haunted houses to action games and BBQ parties, it’s five days of non-stop excitement that embodies the true spirit of Communication! Are you ready? Join us, or we’ll have to put out a warrant for your attendance!

For more details and registration results, follow School of Communication on IG @mcu_comm.


12/23 @ 12:00 下午
12/27 @ 8:00 下午
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