2024看見.環境生活節 Green Vision♥︎ 永續手作DIY Sustainable DIY Workshop
12/28 @ 11:00 上午 - 5:00 下午
「看見」是改變的起點,也是希望的綻放,為延續齊柏林導演對台灣的深情與關懷,我們從淡水出發,將他的精神與更多人分享,今年透過創意與行動兼具的【看見.環境生活節Green Vision】,藉影像融入1V 3R綠色精神,以看見(Vision)啟發永續行動,減量(Reduce)落實簡約生活,回收(Recycle)延續資源價值,再利用(Reuse)激發循環可能。
“Seeing” is the starting point for change and the bloom of hope. To continue the profound love and care Director Chi Po-lin had for Taiwan, we start from Tamsui to share his spirit with more people. This year, through the creative and action-packed Green Vision, we integrate imagery with the 1V 3R green principles: Vision to inspire sustainable actions, Reduce to practice minimal living, Recycle to extend resource value, and Reuse to unlock circular possibilities.
Join us and “see” from the height of clouds, solidifying our commitment to the environment while practicing sustainable living. Let us gather more people to document this land, expanding from local to nationwide, embedding the spirit of sustainability in people’s hearts as we move toward a greener future together! ❤️
🌳【永續手作DIY Sustainable DIY Workshop】
Engage in hands-on DIY experiences. Come and create your unique pieces while making beautiful memories.
活動時間 Date & Time:2024/12/28(六 Saturday)11:00~17:00
活動地點 Venue:淡水觀潮廣場 TamSui GangChao Park
活動候補 Standby Registration:活動當日活動前30分鐘開放現場候補登記 On-site registration begins 30 minutes before each session
📱【剩布編織手機揹繩 Fabric Weaving Phone Strap】—— REstoRE舊與新織 Weaving the Old and New
REstoRE舊與新織,平時做為衣物旅程、再製與修改課程教學使用,以及再生設計選品與再生循環材料販售。我們的教學場域內除了有專業的工業型與家用縫紉設備,另有展示衣服消費前中後所產生的下角料與舊衣,以及應用這些材料再製而成的工藝品。 讓民眾能透過我們的課程設計與體驗設計,了解衣物循環可以從自身做起,也讓民眾可以從不同角度切入,一起加入衣物循環的各個環節,並重新認識衣物與大稻埕布業,傳遞穿衣文化與修舊再新,讓衣物的記憶與技藝如同大稻埕在百年後仍歷久彌新。
REstoRE teaches clothing journeys, remanufacturing and modification, offering courses and recycled design selections. Participants will experience the cyclical process of clothing and explore how to integrate old fabric pieces into new creations. This course promotes understanding of textile cycles, sustainable fashion, and Da-Dao-Cheng’s textile heritage.
- 對象 Age Group|不限年齡 Open to all
- 地點 Venue|新北市淡水區中正路298號前觀潮廣場 No. 298, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
- 時間 Date & Time|12/28(六 Saturday)14:30-15:30(每場次約60分鐘 60 minutes per session)
- 收費 Fee|每人NT$350 each
- 人數 Capacity|10人 participants
☺︎【保特瓶陀螺 Bottle Cap Spinning Top】—— 黑貓畫室&手作 Le Chat Noir
黑貓畫室&手作 以資源環保回收再利用的概念,將回收保特瓶巧思設計DIY手作古早童玩!
Le Chat Noir promotes environmental recycling by reusing PET bottles to craft traditional spinning toys through creative DIY methods.
- 對象 Age Group|不限年齡 Open to all
- 地點 Venue|新北市淡水區中正路298號前觀潮廣場 No. 298, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
- 時間 Date & Time|12/28(六 Saturday)14:30-15:10(每場次約40分鐘 40 minutes per session)
- 收費 Fee|每人NT$200 each
- 人數 Capacity|10人 participants
🌱【苔球手作課 Kokedama Workshop】—— 草木參間 Pleased to Plant
關於草木參間 相信植物內含生命溫度和感動,分享植物的一切,植物是天然藝術品,用不同的方式創作融入生活,讓更多人感受植物的療癒力。品牌名字的「參」是參與和感受,我們、植物和生活之間。利用一個週末的早晨或是平日的午後,製作一顆陪伴療癒你的植物小夥伴,還能獲得受用的植物照顧小技巧,變成人人稱羨的綠手指!
Pleased to Plant believes in the healing power of plants. Learn to make kokedama (moss balls), gain essential plant care tips, and create a companion plant to enhance your home and life.
- 對象 Age Group|不限年齡 Open to all
- 地點 Venue|新北市淡水區中正路298號前觀潮廣場 No. 298, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
- 時間 Date & Time|12/28(六 Saturday)15:30-16:30(每場次約60分鐘 60 minutes per session)
- 收費 Fee|每人NT$650 each
- 人數 Capacity|20人 participants
- 備註 Notes|民眾可自備紙袋,裝苔球回家使用;苔球植物無法指定,以現場準備為主。 Bring your own bag for carrying the kokedama. Plant options are subject to availability on-site.
🪴【塑料再製花盆工作坊 Plastic Repurposed Planter Workshop】—— A Plastic Project
A Plastic Project介紹塑料的種類與特性,了解塑膠在回收的過程發生什麼事。 探索如何將廢棄塑膠轉化成實用的植物盆栽,學習如何通過回收和循環利用,減少塑膠廢料對環境的影響,避免廢料被焚燒而產生溫室氣體。 從選料、排列到成型,親自體驗賦予塑膠廢料新生命的過程,發揮創意,為回收塑料創造新的價值!
A Plastic Project educates participants on plastic types and recycling processes. Learn how to transform plastic waste into functional plant pots while reducing environmental impact. This workshop fosters creativity in repurposing recycled materials.
- 對象 Age Group|不限年齡 Open to all
- 地點 Venue|新北市淡水區中正路298號前觀潮廣場 No. 298, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
- 時間 Date & Time|12/28(六 Saturday)13:00-17:00(1小時1場,每場次6人體驗 One-hour sessions; 6 participants per session)
- 收費 Fee|每人NT$450,同步開放現場報名 NT$450 each; on-site registration available
- 課程時長 Duration|每場次約40分鐘 40 minutes per session
📱【手機殼循環再生迷你吊飾 Recycled Phone Case Mini Keychain】—— 犀牛盾 RHINOSHIELD
犀牛盾 RHINOSHIELD來到犀牛盾攤位,你將有機會一窺手上的犀牛盾手機殼,從如何誕生到如何重生的過程。也能化身一日材料科學家,進入縮小版的RHINO LOOP循環生態圈,動手體驗如何將回收的SolidSuit手機殼,再生出迷你犀牛盾手機殼吊飾。亦能從體驗中發現犀牛盾如何發揮單一材料設計哲學與循環材料科技的極致,延展成為種種創作媒材,化作藝術家的繆思。
At RHINOSHIELD’s booth, learn about the recycling process of RHINOSHIELD phone cases and experience the creation of mini keychains made from recycled materials.
- 對象 Age Group|不限年齡 Open to all
- 地點 Venue|新北市淡水區中正路298號前觀潮廣場 No. 298, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
- 時間 Date & Time|12/28(六 Saturday)11:00-17:00(每小時約可20-30人體驗 20–30 participants per hour)
- 收費 Fee|免費,現場報名 Free; on-site registration required
- 課程時長 Duration|2~3分鐘 2–3 minutes per session
報到須知 Check-in Guidelines
5.報到時請出示ACCUPASS QRcode由工作人員協助報到,無故未出席者視同放棄。
- Check-in opens 30 minutes before the session. Please check in no later than 15 minutes before your session; late arrivals will lose their spots to standby participants.
- Participants under 12 must be accompanied by a guardian.
- Participants cannot register for the same session twice; violators will lose their eligibility.
- No session changes or standby for other sessions are allowed.
- Present your ACCUPASS QR code during check-in. No-shows will be considered as cancellations.
注意事項 Important Notes
3.參加即表示同意活動內容所錄製或拍攝之照片、影片、聲音、肖像版權提供 看見·齊柏林基金會以任何形式公開作為推廣宣傳使用。
- As the venue is an open space, manage your personal belongings. The organizer is not responsible for any losses.
- The organizer reserves the right to modify or cancel the event. In case of typhoons or force majeure, the organizer may reschedule or cancel the event.
- By participating, you agree to allow your photos, videos, and recordings taken during the event to be used by the Chi Po-lin Foundation for promotional purposes.
- The organizer reserves the right to amend or announce changes to these guidelines if necessary.
活動小組連絡方式 Contact Information
連絡電話 Phone:02-2933-0994#63(客服時間 Service Hours:10:00-12:30 / 13:30-18:30)
DIY workshop fees will be collected by the Chi Po-lin Foundation, while receipts/invoices will be issued by the respective workshop brands. Tickets are non-refundable. If unable to attend, tickets may be transferred to another participant.
For more details, visit: [Green Vision Website]