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當圖像遇見工藝 打開街區故事 When Imagery Meets Craft: Unveiling Stories of the Neighborhood

12/27 @ 10:00 上午 - 11:00 上午


Embark on a creative journey through hidden alleys, discovering the beauty of craftsmanship tucked away in the heart of the city.

核心概念-好好生活 慢慢相遇 Core Concept – Living Well, Encountering Slowly



Hey! Do you love stumbling upon surprises in narrow streets? Join us on a cultural trip through the old city district!

Walk along the Chaoyang Textile and Material Street, where we invite you to an enchanting craft journey. This event isn’t just about strolling and exploring; you’ll get to create something with your own hands and feel the charm of these historic streets!

(朝陽服飾材料街巷內,以鈕扣拼貼的貓吶喊裝置藝術 Cat’s Shout-Out Button Collage Installation Art in the Alleys of Chaoyang Textile and Material Street)

亮點 Highlight 1-創作櫥窗展:溫作繪 玩時光 Creative Window Exhibition: Wenzuo Painting & Timeless Play 🎨


Step into the alleys and find the “Red Hair Tribe” sprites crafting unique works of art on the walls of a 50-year-old embroidery factory. Drawing inspiration from neighborhood stories, they transform old memories into modern trends!

櫥窗展資訊 Window Exhibition Information

「溫作繪 赤毛族創作櫥窗展」為一個戶外區間的展覽,免費參觀。

The “Wenzuo Painting: Red Hair Tribe Creative Window Exhibition” is an outdoor display open to all for free viewing.


Guided tours are available on specific dates, featuring the area’s highlights, craftsmanship stories, and interactive experiences.

  • 日期 Date:2024/11/27-2025/1/23
  • 時間 Time:09:00-22:00(免費自由參觀,如需專人導覽,請報名工藝走讀 Free viewing; for guided tours, register for the “Craft Walkthrough”)
  • 地點 Venue:自由之窗 Window on Freedom(台北市重慶北路二段46巷7之10號 No. 7-6, Ln. 46, Sec. 2, Chongqing N. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City)

亮點 Highlight 2-百年電繡發展路徑:探究工藝之美 A Century of Embroidery Evolution: Exploring the Beauty of Craft ✨


Why is Taiwanese digital embroidery so remarkable? We’ll take you on a journey to witness the exquisite artistry of delicate silk threads. From traditional techniques to the AI era, you’ll be amazed by the boundless possibilities of this craft.

工藝走讀導覽 Craft Walkthrough Guided Tour

  • 日期 Date:2024/12/27
  • 地點 Venue:親糸工作室,工作室採預約制,非活動期間不對外開放 ChinMe; by reservation only, not open to the public outside event dates
  • 費用 Fee:NT$100(預約制,包含街區特色與工藝故事與互動體驗 Includes neighborhood highlights, craft stories, and interactive experiences)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2411040857382209040980?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2410201510271557115946


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