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角斯&神怪画室 Chiaos Room98— 《妖怪画誌》展 “The Tales from Taiwan” Exhibition

12/13 @ 1:00 下午 - 12/29 @ 6:00 下午


你知道靈界跑最快的毛小孩是誰? 苗栗山中無頭鬼討火的秘密?是誰拿起寶劍一丟就能收伏水中精怪?綠島迷戀黃金的神人是誰?本展覽有許多精彩故事等你來挖掘!

Mystical artist Chiaos Tseng unveils his latest masterpiece, The Tales from Taiwan, an exploration into the mysteries of giants, monsters, spirits, magical creatures and otherworldly beings. Delve into the origins of these mythical creatures and uncover the secrets behind their existence.

Who is the fastest furry creature in the spirit realm? What is the story behind the headless ghost seeking fire in the mountains of Miaoli? Who subdued water spirits with a single toss of a sacred sword? And who is the golden-obsessed deity of Green Island? Discover these intriguing tales and more in this captivating exhibition.

展覽地點 Venue:角斯&神怪画室 Chiaos Room98(新北市三重區同安東街98號 No. 98, Tong’an E. St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City)


The space combines an exhibition area and a shop, showcasing Chiaos Tseng’s mystical art. Themed events focusing on deities, monsters and fantasy are held periodically. For event updates, visit Instagram: Chiaos_room98

展覽時間 Date:2024/11/09~12/29

開放時間 Opening Hours:每週五~日 Fridays to Sundays 13:00~18:00


新北市, Taiwan
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