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穿「越」精彩中壢「泰」有趣 Exploring the Exciting and Diverse Culture of Zhongli

12/13 @ 1:30 下午 - 12/27 @ 4:30 下午

【活動重點介紹 Activity Highlights】

集合地點 Meeting Point:


Li Jing Ding (Zhongli Police Dormitory Complex)
Built in 1941 during Japanese rule through a fundraising effort led by the Residents’ Association, this site served as housing for Zhongli County police. In 2013, it was officially registered as a Taoyuan City historical building. Beyond its architectural significance, it witnessed Taiwan’s first democratic street movement, the “Zhongli Incident”.




中平路故事館:位於中壢火車站前的中平商圈內,是一座興建於民國19年的日式雙併建築,原為日治時期的公務員宿舍,由當時曾任縣政府山地課課長的王國治先生與任職教育局的廖運全先生及其眷屬陸續入住,兩家四代曾在這裡度過一甲子的流年歲月,日式宿舍不但見證了中壢的市街發展,也承載著豐富的家族情感和時代記憶。 中平路日式宿舍有別於早期日式宿舍多半為光復後暫時安置外省公務員所用,兩戶原屋主皆為客家籍,因早年留學日本,且皆為任職公務員,空間與生活記憶皆完整保存,且傳承客家市民生活文化及保存中壢地方歷史。由於其深具保存價值,於民國99年登錄為歷史建築,並由文化局積極展開文化資產修復及再利用計畫。

Zhongping Road Story Hall
Located in the Zhongping shopping area near Zhongli Train Station, this building was constructed in 1930 (Year 19 of the Republic of China). Originally a Japanese-style duplex for government officials, it was home to notable figures and their families for decades. Distinct from other post-war Japanese residences used to house mainland Chinese officials, this hall preserves unique Hakka cultural and historical elements. Recognized for its historical value, it was registered as a historic site in 2010 and is actively maintained for cultural reuse.


(照片來源:google map)




Southeast Asian Shopping Street
Before the rise of Hsinchu Science Park, Zhongli was a major hub for factories and transportation, attracting numerous migrant workers. Over time, Zhongping shopping area transformed into a vibrant multicultural hotspot. Storefronts display signs in Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai, offering everything from food to daily necessities, creating an authentic Southeast Asian atmosphere.



Southeast Asian Grocery Stores
These stores cater to the nostalgic cravings of foreign workers. Stocked with traditional noodles, seasonings, and unique cooking tools like Thai mortar and pestles, they provide a taste of home.



Qing Hong Vietnamese French Bread Stand
This unique stand offers not only Vietnamese baguettes but also exotic fruits such as green mangoes, olives, and jujube-like fruits served with fish sauce and Vietnamese chili salt. It’s a delightful way to explore Vietnamese cuisine.


威儀精舍(傣泰)วัดสํวโร Wat Sangvaro:泰國佛教廟宇,由 祜巴文春的出家 弟子主持道場。




Authentic Thai Temple – Wat Sangvaro
This traditional Thai Buddhist temple offers a glimpse into Thai spirituality and culture. Each day of the week is associated with a specific deity, with Wednesday divided into morning and afternoon deities. Seasonal attire for the main Buddha statue reflects Thai customs. Visitors can learn about Thai religious practices and beliefs, including the revered Thai Massage God and Medicine Buddha.



Thai and Vietnamese Cooking Experiences
Engage in workshops led by Thai or Vietnamese instructors, offering hands-on experiences in preparing dishes like green papaya salad, salted lemons, and Thai milk tea. Participants can enjoy the snacks on-site or take them home while exchanging stories about life in Taiwan.


走讀路線 Schedule:

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2411180446268361236900?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

壢景町(中壢警察局日式宿舍群)集合→中平路故事館→東南亞商圈興起介紹→中平路商店招牌介紹/東南亞雜貨店/清鴻越南法國麵包→1981 Café 威儀精舍(傣泰)วัดสํวโร Wat Sangvaro

  • Meeting at Li Jing Ding
  • Visit Zhongping Road Story Hall
  • Explore the Southeast Asian commercial area, including stores and food stalls
  • End at Wat Sangvaro for a cultural and culinary workshop


12/13(五)13:30-16:30 青木瓜

12/17 (二)09:00-12:00 青木瓜

12/17 (二)13:30-16:30 青木瓜

12/20 (五)13:00-16:00 青木瓜

12/22 (日)09:00-12:00 鹹檸檬

12/24 (二)09:00-12:00 泰奶

12/24 (二)13:30-16:30 泰奶

12/27 (五)13:30-16:30 鹹檸檬

Cooking Workshop Dates:

  • Green Papaya: 12/13 (Fri), 12/17 (Tue), 12/20 (Fri)
  • Salted Lemons: 12/22 (Sun), 12/27 (Fri)
  • Thai Milk Tea: 12/24 (Tue)

如有疑問,請洽 Contact Information

沐育文化臉書專頁 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MUYUING

沐育文化電話 Phone:02-66039697


台北校區Taipei Campus
台北市, Taiwan
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