《胡敲亂扯》AI x 揚琴 x 扯鈴 x 馬戲 AI x Yangqin x Diabolo x Circus Arts
11/17 @ 2:30 下午 - 3:30 下午
This is an innovative performance blending traditional and modern elements, incorporating yangqin (a traditional Chinese hammered dulcimer), diabolo juggling, circus arts and grand drumming. This show combines AI-generated music and visuals with intricate yangqin melodies, dynamic diabolo tricks, powerful drum beats, and thrilling circus acts, creating an immersive multisensory experience that challenges conventional boundaries of traditional arts.
The performance brings together local performance teams and artists from Kinmen, including the Jin Ding Elementary Diabolo Team, Jin Ning Junior High Diabolo Club, Kai Hsuan Elementary Yangqin Club, and the Kai Hsuan Elementary Drum Team, alongside circus performers from Dream Wild Art, crafting a multidisciplinary feast for the senses.
Notably, the show integrates the traditional Kinmen song “蕃薯情”, enhanced with AI music influenced by jazz, rock and even metal. This fusion creates a fresh musical allure, symbolizing the blend of traditional culture and modern creativity.
Whether you’re a music lover, circus enthusiast, or curious about new media art, this is a unique audiovisual experience. Join us to explore the limitless possibilities!
演出票價 Fee:NT$200