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狂歡夜總會 Carnival Night Club|King Cake六週年派對 6th Anniversary Party

10/24 @ 6:30 下午 - 10/25 @ 9:30 下午

「King Cake紐奧良爵士樂團」是國內罕見以傳統爵士樂演奏為主的藝文團體,演出特色即為聽眾打造歡樂慵懶的音樂饗宴,音樂時而華麗樂觀、時而哀痛深切,象徵著紐奧良的傳統遊行Second Line的文化傳統。演奏時不經意的齊唱、獨唱和群體合奏段落,顯示出樂團成員各個才華洋溢,其中更包含國內唯二從爵士樂發源地紐奧良學成歸國的音樂家。樂團深受喜愛復古、娛樂、獨特性的觀眾著迷。

“King Cake New Orleans Jazz” is one of the few arts groups in Taiwan specializing in traditional jazz performances. Known for creating a joyful and laid-back musical feast for listeners, their music oscillates between grand optimism and deep sorrow, symbolizing the cultural traditions of New Orleans’ iconic Second Line parade. The band’s impromptu choral sections, solos, and ensemble performances highlight the individual talents of its members, including two musicians who studied jazz in its birthplace, New Orleans. The band captivates audiences with a love for vintage, entertainment, and uniqueness.

樂團邁入第六週年的同時,即將邀請目前活躍於紐奧良的長號手菊池ハルカ(Kikuchi Haruka)來臺合作,包含兩場音樂會、一場工作坊。菊池ハルカ出生於日本,目前定居在紐奧良,於2019年受到第61屆格萊美獎最佳地區根源音樂專輯獎提名,並多次受到美國《OffBeat Magazine》主辦的年度音樂獎項Beast of the Beat Awards獲獎和提名。

As the band celebrates its 6th anniversary, they will be collaborating with trombonist Kikuchi Haruka, currently active in New Orleans. This collaboration includes two concerts and one workshop. Kikuchi, born in Japan and now residing in New Orleans, was nominated for the Best Regional Roots Music Album at the 61st Grammy Awards in 2019 and has been both awarded and nominated multiple times by the OffBeat Magazine’s Best of the Beat Awards.

希望透過這次的合作,King Cake能持續與紐奧良保有文化連結外,也期待將紐奧良地區的爵士正能量傳遞給臺灣的音樂愛好者,更透過工作坊帶領更多年輕學子和音樂家演奏傳統爵士音樂。

Through this collaboration, King Cake aims to strengthen its cultural connection with New Orleans and hopes to bring the positive energy of New Orleans jazz to music lovers in Taiwan. The workshop will also guide young musicians and students in playing traditional jazz music.

系列活動購票說明 Event Ticket Information

第一場:10月24日(四)19:30-21:00 台北工作坊@TJO臺北爵士基地


19:00 開放入場

19:30-21:00 活動時間

邀請想要學習傳統爵士樂的朋友一起加入,讓菊池和King Cake帶你認識紐奧良傳統曲目!

帶著樂器,一起Jam面!工作坊包含Jam Session。



First Event: October 24, Thursday 19:30-21:00 Taipei Workshop @ TJO Taipei Jazz Base

  • Location: 1/F, No. 5, Aly. 20, Ln. 96, Sec. 2, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
  • 19:00: Doors open
  • 19:30-21:00: Workshop time

We invite those interested in learning traditional jazz to join us as Kikuchi and King Cake introduce you to classic New Orleans tunes! Bring your instrument and join the jam session! The workshop includes a jam session.

  • Provided equipment: PA system, vocal mic, bass amp, guitar amp, and drum set. Please bring your own wind instruments or other instruments.
  • Participation fee: NT$400

第二場:10月25日(五)18:30-21:30 台北場音樂會@國立臺灣科學教育館5F溫暖小池塘

狂歡夜總會-King Cake六週年音樂派對


18:30-19:30 開放入場,會前會,現場提供酒水購買。協力廠商:福哥咖啡、賽門酒窖

19:30-20:20 音樂會上半場

20:20-20:40 中場休息

20:40-21:30 音樂會下半場




Second Event: October 25, Friday 18:30-21:30 Taipei Concert @ Little Pond, 5F, National Taiwan Science Education Center

Carnival Night Club – King Cake 6th Anniversary Music Party

  • Location: No. 189, Shishang Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City
  • 18:30-19:30: Doors open and pre-event gathering. Drinks available for purchase (partner vendors: 福哥咖啡、賽門酒窖)
  • 19:30-20:20: First half of the concert
  • 20:20-20:40: Intermission
  • 20:40-21:30: Second half of the concert

Important Notes: The concert features open seating. Except for reserved VIP seats, audience members are encouraged to arrive early to choose their favorite spots.

  • Ticket prices: NT$980 (general admission), NT$580 (student promotional ticket for those under 22)
  • Children under 6 who do not require a seat may enter for free.

For more details about Little Pond, 5F of the Science Education Center, please visit: Little Pond Information

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409170344531934135650?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

音樂會特色 Concert Highlights



Immersive Visual and Audio Experience
A combination of projection and music will create an immersive environment. Come see how the band’s mascot, Cakey, adds fun to the celebration!



New Orleans Music Traditions
Experience the tossing of New Orleans beads, waving of white handkerchiefs and the Second Line parade.


音樂遊行second line

(三)觀眾Dress code(非硬性規定,可自由選擇)

紫金綠是Mardi Gras狂歡節最重要的三種顏色,分別代表著不同的意義。



Audience Dress Code (optional)
Purple, gold, and green are the key colors of Mardi Gras, each representing different meanings.

演出人員 Performers

策展人暨薩克斯風|林映辰 (美國紐奧良大學爵士演奏碩士)

音樂總監暨蘇沙號|鐘凱傑 (美國紐奧良大學爵士演奏碩士)

特別嘉賓&長號|菊池ハルカ (Kikuchi Haruka) (日籍定居美國紐奧良,詳見下方特別嘉賓介紹)

小號|邵思妤 (臺北爵士大樂隊成員)

豎笛|陳易 (臺北踢霹歐大樂團成員)

長號|王翊丞 (臺北爵士大樂隊成員)

鍵盤|鐘崇豪 (美國紐約城市大學爵士演奏碩士)

洗衣板|詹前彥 (臺中與臺北爵士音樂節新秀冠軍)

鼓組|陳信介 (美國奧克拉荷馬中央大學爵士演奏碩士)

活動相關資訊 Event Information

主辦單位:King Cake紐奧良爵士樂團

協辦單位:國立台灣科學教育館、王思雅音樂工作室、宅 J·house、臺北爵士大樂隊、捷越音響有限公司


未滿18歲請勿飲酒,禁止酒駕。 Please note: no alcohol consumption for those under 18. Do not drink and drive.


台北市, Taiwan
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