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10月秋季限定 October Autumn Special|香草園療癒茶席.一場動態的下午茶 Herb Garden Healing Tea Session – A Dynamic Afternoon Tea Experience

10/27 @ 10:00 上午 - 5:00 下午

|每日茶事 Daily Tea Affairs|

《沉浸茶席體驗的文創品牌 Immersive Tea Session Experience Brand》



We are a group of tea enthusiasts who love traveling and living with tea. By focusing on tea, combined with natural environments and healing sciences, we create diverse and unique immersive tea session experiences.

|何謂沉浸式 What is Immersive|


For us, running an immersive tea session brand focuses on creating a truly immersive experience. What does immersive mean? We believe there are two main aspects. The first is the connection to the external environment. For example, when we host a forest tea party at high altitudes, being in the misty mountain air allows everyone to intuitively feel the climate’s impact on the tea leaves. The second aspect is bodily sensory awareness. If your senses are closed off due to stress, it’s hard to taste anything from tea—just like life. If your body becomes numb from pressure and you lose awareness, it’s difficult to live in the moment. This upcoming Herb Garden Tea Session is designed to help everyone create their own dynamic afternoon tea experience by immersing in the scents and tastes of herbs.

|我們相信 What We Believe|


At Daily Tea Affairs, our slogan reads: “Relax, starting with self-awareness”. Our mission is to plant a small seed in you, encouraging self-reflection and relaxation. We aim to open your senses, develop your own taste and cultivate rituals in your life, ultimately helping everyone create their own immersive lifestyle.

|10月份秋季限定 October Autumn Special|

《香草茶席- 一場動態的下午茶 Herb Tea Session – A Dynamic Afternoon Tea》

A dynamic tea experience that takes you from external surroundings to inner self-awareness

在環境上的營造,我們將大家拉到的實驗農場,實際觀察香草、現場摘採。從打開感官開始,在室外香草園中,採集香草,觀察並感受香草們帶來的清新感,讓身體走入大自然,也讓大自然停留在身邊;進入室內空間,拆解感官, 體驗五感在不同情況下帶來的感受;並透過風味輪的引導,讓大家一同品味香草、分析風味,製作自己的風味心智圖。

This experience starts outdoors at the experimental farm, where we observe and harvest fresh herbs. With your senses awakened, you’ll walk through the herb garden, collecting herbs and absorbing the refreshing atmosphere of nature. Moving indoors, you’ll explore your senses, experiencing how they react in various environments. Guided by a flavor wheel, you’ll taste and analyze herbs, creating your own flavor mind map.

|課程內容 Course Content|

– 實驗農場香草沈浸走讀

– 感官探索練習

– 認識香草植物的種類

– 挑選適合自己的香草

– 茶品風味底層邏輯

– 茶席實作體驗


  • Herb immersion tour at the experimental farm
  • Sensory exploration exercises
  • Learning about different types of herbs
  • Choosing the herbs that suit you best
  • Understanding the basic logic of tea flavors
  • Hands-on tea session experience
  • Tea and food tasting

|活動場次 Event Sessions|

【假日 Weekend】10/27(日 Sunday)

時段:上午場 Morning Session 10:00~12:30 | 下午場 Afternoon Session 14:30~17:00

|費用包含 Fee Includes|

香草及茶席教學、茶品、茶食 Herb and tea session instruction, tea products, and tea snacks.

(現場提供茶席體驗用具,參加人員無需額外準備 Tools for the tea session will be provided on-site, no need to bring anything)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409200647458501872310?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

季節限定茶食 Seasonal Tea Snack:達克瓦茲騎士 Dacquoise Knight

|注意事項 Notes|


體驗地點:花博綠屋頂.智慧.實驗農場 EXPO Green Roof Farm|賦能台北IP基地 A區

Meeting point: Exit 1 of MRT Yuanshan Station. Please arrive at the meeting point 10 minutes before the activity starts. Participants who arrive more than 5 minutes late will be considered no-shows.

Experience location: EXPO Green Roof Farm|Empower Taipei IP Base, Area A


台北市, Taiwan
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