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Cross Connections 2024交響國際設計聯展 世界巡迴台灣站在銘傳大學 International Exhibition & Competition of Visual Communication Design & Emerging Media Design

10/15 @ 9:00 上午 - 10/25 @ 5:00 下午

全球設計學界最具影響力的跨國學術交流活動「Cross Connections 2024交響國際設計聯展」,世界巡迴展台灣站在銘傳大學,10/15-25在銘傳大學桃園校區設計大樓一樓中庭盛大開展,精選來自全球國際知名藝術與設計相關大學師生174件作品參展,包括100件平面設計印刷作品與74件互動數位影片作品,台灣與美洲、歐洲、亞洲各地無時差同步展出。

「Cross Connections 2024交響國際視覺傳播設計和新興媒體設計展覽和競賽」,由美國德克薩斯大學里奧格蘭德河谷分校(UTRGV)、國際藝術與科學博物館(IMAS)和布朗斯維爾美術館(BMFA)共同策劃主辦,匯集來自全球20所國際知名藝術與設計相關大學師生共525件作品參賽,經過一系列評選展覽、設計比賽,最終精選出174件作品展出,其中,銘傳大學數位媒體設計學系教師有8件作品入選,包括1件作品獲得銀獎4件作品獲得榮譽獎:鄧博澍老師《Mosasaur’s Killing Fields》榮獲設計比賽銀獎、評選展覽榮譽獎;詹仕鑑老師《Taoist Totem》及林東勇老師《Jiuyi Tribe》分別獲得評選展覽榮譽獎;黃思彧老師《Oblivion》獲設計比賽榮譽獎;此外,章耀勳、吳昭蓉、施美如、馬慈均等4位老師的作品亦獲得入選。

The globally influential academic exchange event in the design world, Cross Connections 2024 International Exhibition, is making a stop in Taiwan at MCU. From October 15 to 25, the exhibition will be held in the first-floor atrium of the Design Building on Taoyuan Campus, showcasing 174 selected works from renowned art and design universities worldwide. The exhibition features 100 graphic design print works and 74 interactive digital video pieces, synchronously displayed across Taiwan, the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

The Cross Connections 2024 International Visual Communication Design and Emerging Media Design Exhibition and Competition is organized by University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), the International Museum of Art & Science (IMAS) and the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art (BMFA). It gathered 525 entries from students and faculty of 20 international art and design universities. After a rigorous selection process, 174 works were chosen for the exhibition, including eight works from faculty members of MCU’s Department of Digital Media Design. Among them, Teng Poshu’s “Mosasaur’s Killing Fields” won a Silver Award and an Honorable Mention, while four other works received Honorable Mentions.

銘傳數媒系鄧博澍老師《Mosasaur’s Killing Fields》榮獲設計比賽銀獎、評選展覽榮譽獎 Professor Teng Poshu’s “Mosasaur’s Killing Fields” from MCU’s Digital Media Department won the Silver Award and an Honorable Mention in the design competition.

全球設計學界的國際交流活動「Cross Connections 2024交響國際設計聯展」,今年邁入第四屆,展示來自全球20所國際設計院校師生的優秀作品,參與展覽與競賽國際院校,包括北美:美國加州州立理工大學、奧克拉荷馬州立大學、芝加哥藝術學院、德州農工大學科珀斯克里斯蒂分校、杜魯門州立大學、明尼蘇達大學雙城分校、德克薩斯大學阿靈頓分校、德克薩斯大學里奧格蘭德河谷分校、威斯康辛大學密爾沃基分校、墨西哥莫雷洛斯州自治大學、普埃布拉美洲大學;歐洲:葡萄牙卡瓦多與阿維理工學院、比利時LUCA藝術學院;亞洲:銘傳大學、國立台灣藝術大學、韓國漢陽大學、中國中央美術學院、魯迅美術學院、上海美術學院、四川美術學院。


The exhibition marks the fourth edition of Cross Connections, featuring outstanding works from students and faculty of 20 international design schools. Participating institutions include prominent schools from North America, Europe, and Asia, such as California State Polytechnic University, Oklahoma State University, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and LUCA School of Arts in Belgium, as well as MCU, National Taiwan University of Arts and Hanyang University in South Korea.

In addition to its physical exhibitions at UTRGV, IMAS and BMFA, the world tour of Cross Connections makes its Taiwan stop from October 15 to 25 at Taoyuan campus of MCU. An opening ceremony will be held on Wednesday, October 23, at 12:00. We warmly welcome art enthusiasts, as well as MCU faculty and students, to join us in celebrating this grand occasion!


10/15 @ 9:00 上午
10/25 @ 5:00 下午
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桃園市, Taiwan