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超越圈圈 循回桃園 Circular Economy Innovation Exhibition

10/19 @ 10:00 上午 - 11/10 @ 5:00 下午

「超越圈圈 循回桃園」計劃作為巡迴台灣各地的首站活動,展示多元豐富的循環文化之美。活動亮點之一是「循回教育推廣車」,這台行動展覽車將置入12種循環經濟的設計融入日常生活,讓民眾透過互動和展示實踐環保與永續。

本次活動將展示多家循環經濟品牌的創新產品,展出植物應用於服飾的循環主題。例如,**青年兔庭**將推廣其創新植物纖維皮革,展示如何以環保材料替代傳統動物皮革,實現時尚與環保的完美結合。**優織隆**的鳳梨纖維衣和**七逃**的植物染工藝展示了環保技術如何融入日常服飾。此外,**威力康**、**電電租**、**挑品picupi**等品牌將展示從餘料木材、環保材料製作的服飾到減碳包裝的生活用品,體現資源再利用的創意與多樣性。**桃園在地品牌WeiLi Soul維勵說**將展示回收木材創作,賦予廢棄木材新的生命,作品風格簡約自然,保留木材的溫潤與質感。德大公司亦將參與此次展覽,展示其2023年創立的品牌**HOSAY**,該品牌利用廢棄寶特瓶和台灣農業廢棄物開發全球第一隻消滅塑膠、減碳與環保的清潔劑,期望透過創新實踐,解決寶特瓶污染問題並促進地方創生。

此外,青創團隊**台灣茶具有限公司**將展示其以循環經濟為理念的茶具系列,將蚵殼粉結合天目釉製作成茶器,促進經濟增長並推動環保和陶藝文化的傳承。**生森の木零伐科技綠建材 SenSenWood**的環保建材展示,則展現循環經濟在建築領域的應用與創新。其他循環主題品牌如**ACC域創**的綠色展覽應用模式等,進一步呈現循環經濟在生活中各方面的實踐。

現場還安排多場手作體驗,如【雲垛療癒設計】的永續石製作、【仙野作】的葉拓體驗、【O2 Lab 海漂實驗室】的海廢文創、【樸植作】的銀行歡再生文創,以及【美麗台灣】的鳳梨纖維絹印活動,讓參與者親身體驗如何將廢棄材料轉化為美觀實用的日常用品。

「超越圈圈 循回桃園」將以豐富的內容和深刻的理念,帶領社會進入循環經濟的世界,推動資源再生,打造永續未來,期待更多民眾的參與,讓循環經濟融入日常生活的每個角落。

Circular Economy Innovation Exhibition initiative kicks off as the first stop in a touring exhibition across Taiwan, showcasing the diverse beauty of circular culture. One of the event’s highlights is the “Circular Education Promotion Truck”, a mobile exhibition vehicle featuring 12 designs that integrate circular economy concepts into daily life, allowing the public to engage with interactive displays and practice sustainability.

This exhibition will showcase innovative products from various circular economy brands, with a focus on plant-based materials in fashion. For example, Youth Bunny Court will promote its innovative plant fiber leather, demonstrating how eco-friendly materials can replace traditional animal leather, achieving the perfect combination of fashion and environmental responsibility. Youzhi Long will exhibit clothing made from pineapple fiber, and Chitao will showcase plant dyeing techniques, demonstrating how eco-friendly technologies can be incorporated into everyday attire. Additionally, brands such as Weilikang, Electric Rent, and Picupi will present clothing made from leftover wood, eco-friendly materials, and low-carbon packaging, reflecting the creativity and diversity of resource reuse. Local Taoyuan brand WeiLi Soul will exhibit creations made from recycled wood, giving discarded wood new life with simple and natural designs that retain the warmth and texture of the material. HOSAY, a brand founded in 2023 by Deda Company, will also participate, showcasing the world’s first plastic-eliminating, carbon-reducing, and eco-friendly cleaning products made from recycled PET bottles and Taiwanese agricultural waste, aiming to solve plastic pollution and promote local revitalization.

Furthermore, the startup team Taiwan Teaware Co., Ltd. will display a series of tea sets based on circular economy principles, combining oyster shell powder with Tenmoku glaze to produce tea utensils, promoting economic growth while preserving environmental sustainability and the cultural heritage of ceramics. SenSenWood, a green building materials company specializing in zero-felling technology, will exhibit eco-friendly materials, demonstrating the application of circular economy in the construction industry. Other circular economy brands, such as ACC Green Innovations with its green exhibition models, will further showcase how circular practices are applied in various aspects of daily life.

The event will also feature several hands-on workshops, including sustainable stone crafting by Cloudstack Design, leaf printing by Xianye, marine waste creativity by O2 Lab, recycled cultural creations by Puzhizuo, and pineapple fiber silk-screen printing by Beautiful Taiwan, allowing participants to experience firsthand how waste materials can be transformed into aesthetically pleasing and practical everyday items.

“Circular Economy Innovation Exhibition” offers a wealth of content and profound ideas to guide society into the world of circular economy, promoting resource regeneration and building a sustainable future. The organizers look forward to more public participation, bringing circular economy practices into every corner of daily life.

活動詳情 Event Details:超越圈圈官網 Official Website https://circular-cross.com/


展覽日期 Exhibition Dates | 2024.10.19(六 Saturday)-11.10(日 Sunday)10:00-17:00 *週一休園 Closed on Mondays

展覽地點 Venue | 中原文創園區 10倉、11倉 Warehouses 10 & 11, Chung Yuan Cultural and Creative Park *免費入場 Free admission


10/19 @ 10:00 上午
11/10 @ 5:00 下午
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桃園市, Taiwan
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