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2024廣達MAKer共創營 Quanta MAKer Co-Creation Camp

10/16 @ 9:00 上午 - 10/23 @ 12:00 下午



2024 Quanta MAKer Co-Creation Camp offers you a chance to experience the tech industry and workplace life firsthand, preparing you for the future. Join us as we co-create with Quanta!

While still in school, you may be exploring your career options, unsure of what skills you lack or which industry suits you best. You may also wonder what opportunities are available and how to prepare during your studies. Are you curious about the tech industry or management trainee programs? Do you want to get a glimpse of the working environment at Quanta? The Quanta MAKer Co-Creation Camp offers students a chance to understand the tech industry and management trainee positions. Step out of your comfort zone and create new possibilities for yourself!

透過廣達MAker共創營,你可以獲得什麼呢? What can you gain from the Quanta MAKer Co-Creation Camp?







▲跨界case study競賽體驗











  • Experience the daily life of the tech industry and management trainees:
    Understand the daily life of the tech industry and management trainees through practical discussions.
  • Discover Quanta’s R&D headquarters life:
    Tour Quanta’s R&D headquarters and see the daily working environment.
  • Learn from senior executives and MA alumni:
    Gain deeper career insights through sharing sessions by senior executives and alumni.
  • Cross-disciplinary case study competition:
    Break through conventional thinking and showcase your talents through case study discussions.
  • Collaborate and exchange ideas with other outstanding students:
    Teamwork is a crucial skill in the workplace, and you will have the chance to increase your experience by working with other students.
  • Earn a certification and win rewards:
    Upon completion, you’ll receive a certificate, and outstanding teams will be rewarded.
  • Chance to receive an MA pass in advance:
    Get an early opportunity to secure a ticket for Quanta’s management trainee program.
  • The entire event is free of charge:
    Not only is the event free, but we also provide food and drinks! (A deposit of NT$150 will be collected upon registration, but will be refunded after you attend the event.)

|活動資訊 Event Information|

兩梯次時間及地點 Two Sessions(擇一場次報名即可 choose one to register)
11/01(五 Friday)& 11/29(五 Friday)廣達電腦研發總部 QRDC(桃園市龜山區文化二路211號 No. 211, Wenhua 2nd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City)

參與對象 Eligibility
1. 國內外大學/碩士在學同學,或是兩年以下工作經驗者,及
2. 喜歡學習及挑戰自己者

  1. University/graduate students in Taiwan or abroad, or those with less than two years of work experience, and
  2. Individuals who enjoy learning and challenging themselves.

活動費用 Fee

The event is free of charge. Due to material preparation, a deposit of NT$150 will be collected, which will be refunded after full participation. Notifications regarding review and acceptance will be sent by email, so please keep an eye on related information.

報名日期 Registration Deadlines



  • First Session: Registration open until Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 12:00, with notifications sent by October 25.
  • Second Session: Registration open until Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 12:00, with notifications sent by November 18.

(Note: Due to the high number of applicants, participants will be selected after a review. Successful applicants will receive further instructions via email.)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409021007583156126010?utm_source=web&utm_medium=search_result_2024%E5%BB%A3%E9%81%94MAKer%E5%85%B1%E5%89%B5%E7%87%9F&utm_campaign=accu_e_

注意事項 Notes

  1. Participants are required to attend the entire event. If any force majeure situation arises, please inform us if you need to leave early. Those who do not complete the full event will not receive a completion certificate.
  2. The event will be filmed and photographed. The images will be used by the organizer for promotional and record purposes. By registering, you agree to grant the right to use your image.
  3. In case of natural disasters (such as typhoons, earthquakes, pandemics), or other unforeseen circumstances where the local government issues a work/school suspension, the event may be postponed or canceled, and all participants will be informed immediately.
  4. The organizer reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel this event. Any matters not covered will be handled in accordance with the organizer’s rules, with additional announcements made if necessary.

活動窗口請洽詢 Event Contact
廣達電腦 Quanta Computer HR Mita : Mita.Pao@quantatw.com

活動一覽 Event Overview

精彩活動花絮與學員回饋 Highlights and Participant Feedback


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