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永樂布業40週年慶 Yongle Textile 40th Anniversary Celebration|萌寵親子走秀賽 Pet and Owner Fashion Show

10/05 @ 2:00 下午 - 4:30 下午


Yongle Textile Mall not only offers a wide variety of fabrics, casual clothing, and custom performance outfits, but also provides custom-made matching outfits for pets and their owners! Pet owners are invited to dress in coordinated parent-child outfits with their pets and step onto the runway to showcase their creativity in pairing outfits with various pet fashion styles.

活動資訊 Event Information

📅 走秀時間 Date:2024/10/5(六 Saturday)15:00-16:30,全程約1.5hr(以實際活動時間為主 approximately 1.5 hours, subject to the actual event schedule)

💰 費用 Fee:免費 Free | 需繳保證金NT$100,參與全程並完成簽退手續,現場退還保證金NT$100 A deposit of NT$100 is required, which will be refunded on-site after completing the event and sign-out procedures.

👤名額上限 Participant Limit:20位 participants

🚩 地點 Venue:永樂布業商場3F南側八角廳 Yongle Fabric Market, 3rd Floor, South Octagon Hall

🎁獲勝獎品 Prizes for Winners:前五名可獲得NT$3,000永樂布業商場現金抵用券,其餘參賽者則可獲得永樂布業商場訂製小禮物! The top five participants will receive a 3000 NTD cash voucher for Yongle Textile Mall, and all other participants will receive a custom-made gift from Yongle Textile Mall!

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409190716273384712290

📌活動辦法 Event Guidelines

• 採事先報名,限量20組名額(依系統報名優先順序)

• 扮裝不限主題,邀請主人與萌寵們發揮自己的創意,透過服飾、配件搭配獨一無二的風格親子裝。

• 每組須走台步 + 定點擺兩個pose,每組約1-2分鐘。


• Pre-registration is required, with a limit of 20 groups (on a first-come, first-served basis through the registration system).

• There are no restrictions on the theme of the costumes. Participants are encouraged to showcase their creativity by coordinating outfits and accessories to create unique parent-child styles.

• Each group must walk the runway and strike two poses. Each group is allotted approximately 1-2 minutes.

(For safety reasons, pets must be kept on a leash or held during the show to avoid accidents. Pet strollers are not allowed on stage.)

📌評分項目 Scoring Criteria

(1) 寵物外型與服裝造型20%

(2)  寵物與主人服裝搭配度40%

(3)  穿搭主題創意性40%

  1. Pet appearance and costume design: 20%
  2. Coordination between pet and owner’s outfits: 40%
  3. Creativity in theme and styling: 40%


※ The top five participants with the highest total scores will receive a NT$3,000 cash voucher for Yongle Textile Mall. All other participants will receive a custom-made gift from the mall.

 報到資訊 Check-in Information

🕒 報到時間 Check-in Time:2024/10/5(六 Saturday)13:50-14:00

📍 報到地點 Check-in Location:永樂廣場-大會服務台 Yongle Plaza – Event Service Desk(台北市大同區迪化街一段21號 No. 21, Sec. 1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City)

🎁 準時獎勵 Punctual Check-in Reward:於13:50-14:00時間內報到可獲得免費萌寵三連拍!活動結束後將寄送照片電子檔至參賽者電子信箱 Participants who check in between 13:50-14:00 will receive a complimentary “pet photo strip” with three photos. The digital copies will be sent to the participants’ email after the event.

活動流程 Event Schedule

10/5(六) 活動內容 Activity 活動位置 Location
13:50-14:00 報到 Check-in 1F大會服務台 1st Floor Service Desk
14:00-15:00 寵物攝影+1F報到 Pet Photography + Check-in 1F舞台區 1st Floor Stage Area
15:00-16:00 寵物走秀比賽(20組) Pet Fashion Show (20 groups) 3F南側八角廳 3rd Floor South Octagon Hall
16:00-16:15 評審討論、分數統計 Judges’ deliberation & score tally 3F南側八角廳 3rd Floor South Octagon Hall
16:15-16:30 頒獎 Awards Ceremony 3F南側八角廳 3rd Floor South Octagon Hall

※請於指定時間報到,正式走秀前10分鐘未報到視同棄權,且不退還保證金 Please arrive on time for check-in. Failure to check in 10 minutes before the runway show starts will be considered a withdrawal, and the deposit will not be refunded.

活動位置 Event Locations

📍1F報到處、攝影處 1st Floor Check-in Desk and Photography Area

📍3F走秀位置 3rd Floor Runway Area

📍3F走秀舞台平面圖 3rd Floor Stage Layout

※為確保活動順利進行,每組參賽者走秀時間請勿超過兩分鐘 To ensure the smooth running of the event, each group’s runway time should not exceed two minutes.

▲幫自己與寶貝萌寵精心打扮穿出專屬於自己的親子風格! Dress yourself and your adorable pet in a matching parent-child style that represents you!

📌萌寵親子走秀注意事項 Important Notes for the Pet Fashion Show









  1. The costume styling must not harm the pets. If any violations are reported and verified, the participant will be disqualified and the prizes will be revoked.
  2. Pets must be kept on a leash or held while in the mall to avoid accidents.
  3. Participants and their pets should complete check-in between 13:50-14:00 to take part in the first event, the “pet photo strip.” Failure to check in 10 minutes before the show will result in forfeiture.
  4. Each group’s runway time must not exceed two minutes to ensure the smooth running of the event.
  5. Pet owners are responsible for bringing cleaning supplies and must clean up immediately if their pets relieve themselves inside the mall.
  6. Participants must present their ID for check-in and prize collection.
  7. The event is online registration only, with no on-site registration available.
  8. The organizers reserve the right to modify, change, or cancel the event at their discretion.

📌報名注意事項 Registration Notes


📩yehruru@oad.com.tw | 📞2958-0011#273 | 🕓服務時間:平日11:00-18:00





  1. The registration deadline is Tuesday, October 1, 14:00. Cancellations must be made by emailing and calling the organizer by 14:00 on Wednesday, October 2, for a full refund. No refunds will be processed after this deadline. Refunds will be processed within two weeks after the event. 📩 Email: yehruru@oad.com.tw | 📞 2958-0011#273 | 🕓 Service Hours: Mon-Fri 11:00-18:00
  2. Participants must check in at the specified time. Failure to do so 10 minutes before the runway show starts will result in withdrawal, and the deposit will not be refunded.
  3. Participants must stay for the entire event and complete the sign-out process to receive the participation gift and refund of the NT$100 deposit.
  4. In case of typhoon, natural disasters, or other force majeure events, the event will proceed according to the organizer’s announcements.
  5. The organizers reserve the right to modify the event at any time. Any changes or updates will be announced on the “Taipei Market News” Facebook fan page without further notice.





服務專線 Service Line|02-2958-0011 分機 Ext. #273 葉小姐 Ms Yeh

聯絡信箱 Email|yehruru@oad.com.tw

服務時間 Service Hours|週一至週五 Monday to Friday 11:00至18:00


2:00 下午 - 4:30 下午
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