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秋日花蔓光影香氛蠟燭工作坊 Autumn Flower Vines & Candlelight Fragrance Workshop

11/29 @ 7:00 下午 - 11/30 @ 4:00 下午


“What is a sense of ritual?” asked the Little Prince.
The fox said, “It’s what makes one day different from other days, one moment different from other moments.”
The Little Prince



Making therapeutic scented candles is not just a craft; it’s a healing experience for the soul. In the process, you can focus on your inner world, let go of worries and anxieties, and find inner peace and tranquility. This old building has been revitalized, becoming a hub for artistic exchange, where scent, beauty, and culture blend together to create unique scented candles.

Let’s meet in the autumn to make scented candles by hand. Dip into some wax, warm a bit of light, and create a little romance just for yourself.

│課程資訊 Course Information│

日期 Date:❦ 11/29(五 Friday)19:00-21:00

❦ 11/30(六 Saturday)14:00-16:00

地點 Venue:川端藝會所 Kawabata(台北市中正區廈門街94號 No. 94, Xiamen St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

課堂時間 Duration:2小時 2 hours

價格 Fee:一人NT$2,200 each

活動名額 Minimum Class Size:3人開班 3 participants

成品三個作品帶走。(乾燥花玻璃容器蠟燭+茶蠟+澄淨玻璃燭台) Take-home Creations: 3 pieces (Dried Flower Glass Jar Candle + Tealight Candle + Clear Glass Candle Holder)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409180538324732986380?utm_campaign=accu_feature&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

│課程內容 Course Content│

🔸乾燥花玻璃容器蠟燭 Dried Flower Glass Jar Candle


Learn how to combine various dried flowers and soy wax. You can create unique pieces based on your personal preferences and style.

🔸茶蠟 Tealight Candle


The basic technique of Korean-style candles, including scent blending and color mixing.

🔸澄淨玻璃燭台 Clear Glass Candle Holder


Create a transparent glass candle holder with dried flowers, combining creativity and aesthetics.






▪️ Instruction on the use of tools
▪️ Candle burning knowledge
▪️ Explanation of candle-making materials
▪️ Scent blending ratios
▪️ Use of natural soy wax and candle-specific fragrances

│課程特色 Course Features│






▪️ Small class size ensures that each participant receives ample attention and guidance
▪️ High-quality materials and tools for candle making are provided (course fees include all materials)
▪️ Unique learning environment that inspires creativity in a comfortable atmosphere
▪️ Natural healing: The combination of dried flowers and fragrances creates a natural, warm ambiance for relaxation and healing
▪️ Personalized creation: Each participant can choose their favorite dried flowers and scents to craft a one-of-a-kind candle




│講師介紹 Instructor Introduction│

高佩如 Gao Pei-Ru/ Head of Single Eyelids Candle 單眼皮姊弟負責人


❦ “I hope everyone steps into this world of scented candles. Candle-making is a meditative process that brings a true sense of ritual into daily life!”

佩如老師/教學經歷 Teaching Experience

  • 教學經歷
  • 景美國中
  • 黑沃咖啡板橋南門店
  • 勵馨基金會
  • 基隆市維妮爾托嬰中心
  • 川端藝會所
  • 明倫社會住宅
  • 北部家庭EQ學慧
  • HP台灣惠普科技有限公司
  • 永和國際獅子會
  • 台北市東北扶輪社
  • 稻香社區發展協會

│注意事項 Notes│

1. 如無法出席,將保留名額至下次上課(三個月內),如需退費,ACCUPASS將收取10%手續費。
2. 最晚請於開課前10分鐘至現場完成報到手續,課程準時開始。
3. 每堂名額有限,額滿為止。
4. 費用包含講師費、場地、材料。
5. 如未達開班人數,將通知延期至下次開課時間。
6. 建議年滿16歲以上者報名。
7. 限購票者參與入席,未購票者不得共同參與體驗。

  1. If unable to attend, your slot will be reserved for the next session (within three months). A 10% processing fee will be charged for refunds by ACCUPASS.
  2. Please arrive at the venue 10 minutes before the course begins to complete the check-in process. The course will start promptly.
  3. Seats are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. The fee includes the instructor’s fee, venue, and materials.
  5. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the course will be postponed, and participants will be notified of the next available session.
  6. It is recommended for participants to be at least 16 years old.
  7. Only registered participants may attend; guests without a ticket may not participate in the workshop.



Kawabata reserves the right to modify, terminate, or change the event details.

By registering, you agree to the above terms.

│上課地點 Location│

川端藝會所 Kawabata|台北市中正區廈門街94號2樓 2/F, No. 94, Xiamen St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City

落腳於1936年完工的川端町派出所 Located in the former Kawabata Police Station, completed in 1936


·  川端舉辦課程理念-以精緻工藝與日常生活結合的理念,重新呈現舊有事物的美好價值,以一棟老屋連結過去與未來,從全新視角看待自身與周遭環境、城市的關係。

· The “Taipei Old House Revival Award” gave the “Special Award for Building Renovation and Maintenance” to the building located on Xiamen Street, constructed in 1936. This historical building was formerly the “Kawabata Police Station” during the Japanese occupation. Architecturally, it reflects the modernist style popular in Japan in the 1930s, with thirteen-groove bricks on the facade for earthquake resistance and decoration. The interior structure uses TR bricks from Taiwan Brick Company and reinforced concrete. The southern side features large glass windows to introduce natural light and air, creating a bright and well-ventilated indoor environment.

· Kawabata Course Philosophy – Integrating exquisite craftsmanship with daily life, this course aims to re-present the beauty of old objects, connecting the past with the future, and offering a new perspective on our relationship with the surrounding environment and city.

川端特色-十三溝面磚 Kawabata Features: Thirteen-groove bricks

● 周邊停車場 Nearby Parking Lots






• 捷運 MRT


Take Exit 8 at Guting Station, walk straight along Heping West Road, turn left at the corner of Xiamen Street, and walk past Tingzhou Road for 3 minutes to reach your destination. (Exit 7 has an escalator for additional convenience.)


台北市, Taiwan
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