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太平青鳥十月講座 Bleu & Book October Lecture Series|我的動物好朋友 My Dear Animal Friends

10/05 @ 2:30 下午 - 10/27 @ 5:30 下午



我的動物好朋友系列講座, 上半場將深入探討「動物保護、動物福利、動物平權、尊重生命」的議題,希冀透過講座活動傳遞動保理念與知識給大眾,並學習如何正確與動物和平共存,共同營造動物與人的友善環境,善待與愛護每一個寶貴的生命。

下半場將著重人與動物之間的情感與相助,透過專業講師幫助我們了解家中的汪星人與喵星人在想什麼,從「動物行為學、動物療癒或溝通、毛孩健康同樂會、動物生死」等主題。盼能持續傳遞「牠是我的家人」,不是「寶物」不是「工具」的理念給大眾,並培養飼主建立責任,我是否真的適合飼養毛孩?該如何接收並正視毛孩需求?一同省思動物帶給我們的生命教育議題,成為優秀又專業的毛爸毛媽、與動物最好的朋友!Let’s 狗!

The long-awaited Animal Protection Month is here! Do you have an animal friend? Bleu & Book is about to host a series of lectures for our animal friends! You are welcome to invite your furry companions to join the activities at the bookstore! Meow Meow, Woof Woof!

Did you know that every year, September 9th is Dog Day? (Because the number 9 sounds like “dog” in Taiwanese.) Since 2020, September has been designated as Animal Protection Month in northern Taiwan, focusing on themes such as “One Health” and World Rabies Day—important days for animals!

The first half of My Dear Animal Friends Lecture Series will dive deep into topics like animal protection, animal welfare, animal rights, and respect for life, with the aim of spreading knowledge about animal protection and teaching us how to coexist peacefully with animals. Together, we can create a friendly environment for both people and animals, treating every precious life with kindness and love.

The second half will focus on the emotional bonds between humans and animals. Through professional speakers, we will learn to understand what our pets are thinking through themes like animal behavior, animal therapy or communication, pet health fun-fairs, and pet end-of-life care. The goal is to continuously promote the idea that they are our family, not just possessions or tools, and to encourage owners to take responsibility. Am I truly suited to raise a pet? How can I understand and meet my pet’s needs? Let’s reflect together on the life lessons animals teach us and become the best pet parents and friends to our animal companions! Let’s go!

|報名活動方案 Event Registration Options|

一、單場次人類票 NT$200/人
(除了10.6寵物按摩;10.12寵物溝通;10.13貓咪行為學,三個場次票價皆為 NT$280/人)

二、上半場套票 NT$650/人(原價NT$800,省下5個罐罐錢!)*毛孩罐罐換算單位為台灣人類幣值的NT$30
上半場套票販售只到9/15 13:00前,不要猶豫太久喵~ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ
✧ 含5場講座、累計共7.5小時的精彩講座內容 ✧

三、下半場套票 NT$1,199/人(原價NT$1,640,省下14.7個罐罐錢!)
下半場套票販售到10/6 13:30前,還可以猶豫一下下喵~ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ
✧ 含7場講座、累計共12.5小時的精彩講座內容 ✧

四、毛孩票 ੯‧̀͡⬮ 免費

  • Single Session Ticket for Humans: NT$200/person
    (except for the following sessions: Pet Massage on 10/6, Pet Communication on 10/12, and Cat Behavior on 10/13, each priced at NT$280/person)
    Choose the “Single Session Ticket for Humans” option, and freely select the sessions you’re interested in attending—perfect for those with tight schedules who just want to enjoy a stress-free lecture experience!
  • First Half Pass: NT$650/person (original price NT$800, save the equivalent of 5 pet food cans!)
    Choose the “All-You-Can-Eat Pass” for the first half, ideal for those who want to delve into topics like wildlife conservation, animal rights, stray dogs, roadkill, animal performances, and cage-free eggs.
    The First Half Pass is available for purchase until September 15 at 13:00—don’t hesitate for too long, meow~ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ
    ✧ Includes 5 lectures, totaling 7.5 hours of rich content ✧
  • Second Half Pass: NT$1,199/person (original price NT$1,640, save the equivalent of 14.7 pet food cans!)
    Choose the “All-You-Can-Eat Pass” for the second half, focusing on topics like pet communication, animal behavior, pet massage, and pet nutrition. This is perfect for pet owners wanting to understand their pets better. We will also discuss how to say goodbye to our pets through topics like pet euthanasia and end-of-life care.
    The Second Half Pass is available for purchase until October 6 at 13:30—take your time deciding, but not too long, meow~ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ
    ✧ Includes 7 lectures, totaling 12.5 hours of rich content ✧
  • Pet Ticket: Free
    Choose the “Pet Ticket” option, available for four specific sessions (10/6 Pet Massage, 10/6 Entering the World of Dogs, 10/12 Pet Communication, 10/20 Pet Health Fun-fair). You must purchase a human ticket before reserving a pet ticket, and carefully consider whether your pet is suitable for a group setting. Pet ticket spots are limited, with one pet allowed per person. If the spots aren’t filled, there may be no limit. After registering, you will receive a confirmation call—please keep an eye out for a call from 02-24276323.


Note: For other sessions not specified, if you wish to bring your pet, please ensure they remain leashed or in a pet bag during the event to avoid disrupting the lectures.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408251041544232246060?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407280813411167251639

蛋願能長久 – 她快樂,你快樂的非籠飼雞蛋 Cage-Free Egg Talk: Happy Hens, Happy You】10/05(六 Saturday)14:30-16:00(14:00開放入場 doors open at 14:00)

|主講人 Speaker:社團法人台灣動物社會研究會副執行長-陳玉敏
|報名費用 Fee:回饋場次,免費入場 Free Admission



“When you eat eggs, do you check the price or the type?”

Learn about the rise of cage-free eggs and their benefits to both animals and consumers.

好疏福~貓貓狗狗鬆一下 Pet Massage: Relax Your Cats and Dogs】10/06(日 Sunday)14:00-16:00(13:30開放入場 doors open at 13:30)

|主講人 Speaker:美國NWSAM小型動物按摩執業員-張維誌
|報名費用 Fee:NT$280
|毛孩票 Pet Ticket:Free


Limited pet spots: 5 cats/dogs allowed



走進汪星人的世界-有趣的狗狗行為學 Entering the World of Dogs: Understanding Dog Behavior】10/06(日 Sunday)17:00-18:30(16:30開放入場 doors open at 16:30)

|主講人 Speaker:正向思維藝術-Joeson
|報名費用 Fee:NT$200
|毛孩票 Pet Ticket:Free


Limited pet spots: 8 dogs

汪星事誰人知?ฅU=ﻌ =Uฅ 你了解你家的狗勾在想什麼嗎?

好想聽見牠的聲音 – 動物溝通基礎學 Pet Communication Basics: Listening to Your Pet’s Voice】10/12(六 Saturday)14:00-16:00(13:30開放入場 doors open at 13:30)

|主講人 Speaker:Rouya動物溝通-毛小孩悄悄話
|報名費用 Fee:NT$280
|毛孩票 Pet Ticket:Free


Limited pet spots: 8 dogs




貓奴守則:主子,您今天好嗎?貓咪行為學 Cat Behavior Studies: Owner’s Manual for Cat Lovers】10/13(日 Sunday)14:30-16:00(14:00開放入場 doors open at 14:00)

|主講人 Speaker:那堤與貓行為訓練師温温
|報名費用 Fee:NT$280



保證主子永遠也離不開你啦!!咪咪凹喵貓凹凹嗚嗚喵貓喵貓貓咪咪貓貓卯卯~~~~~啾♥︎ 🐾

毛孩健康同樂會 Pet Health Fun-Fair】10/20(日 Sunday)14:30-16:30(14:00開放入場 doors open at 14:00)

|主講人 Speaker:萌老大x賴武烈獸醫師
|報名費用 Fee:NT$200
|毛孩票 Pet Ticket:Free



Is your furry friend eating healthy? For this lecture, we’ve invited Keelung’s local pet homemade fresh food expert, 萌老大, along with professional consultant Dr. Lai, to share knowledge about healthy meals for pets and home care tips for your furry companions. Give them the best life with all your heart!

萌老大 will also prepare some healthy snacks for the pets present. If your pet has food allergies or other concerns, feel free to consult 萌老大 and Dr. Lai on-site before deciding whether to let your dog try the food. Let’s all become our pets’ personal chefs!

【送牠去彩虹橋的另一端-談動物安樂死 Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Talking about Pet Euthanasia】10/27(日 Sunday)13:30-15:00(13:00開放入場 doors open at 13:00)

|主講人 Speaker:挺挺動物應援團-劉偉蘋
|報名費用 Fee:NT$200



When it comes to animal euthanasia, do you focus on the “peace” or the “death”?

When our beloved pets are suffering from the agony of life, should we truly find the courage to let go and send them to the other side of the rainbow bridge? As animal lovers, we are bound to experience painful struggles, torn between our emotions and moral beliefs.

In this euthanasia-themed lecture, Ms Liu Wei-Ping will share her perspective as a pet owner, discussing her personal experience of facing the decision of whether or not to euthanize her two beloved dogs, who suffered from illness and old age. Additionally, she will address Taiwan’s current societal pursuit of “zero euthanasia” in animal shelters from the standpoint of overall animal protection management policies. Is this truly the realization of animal protection, or does it bring about even greater suffering and death for more animals?

告別!最終場:【說再見的勇氣:毛孩的送行者-寵物生命禮儀師 The Courage to Say Goodbye: Pet Funeral Services】10/27(日 Sunday)16:00-17:30(15:30開放入場 doors open at 15:30)

|主講人 Speaker:譽馨寵物天堂-林元鴻
|報名費用 Fee:NT$200






With the changing times and evolving social conditions, such terrifying and horrifying scenes are no longer seen. Animals have gradually become inseparable companions to us, even becoming our best friends and family members.

Just as humans have professional funeral services, animals also receive such services, and they are even more solemn and dignified than you might imagine! These services are conducted similarly to human ones, allowing animals to leave this world with blessings and dignity.

Mr. Lin Yuan-Hong, will share his journey of transitioning from a teacher to a “pet fareweller” and discuss knowledge about pet funerals along with touching stories.

Warm Reminder: Please prepare tissues, as tears may be unavoidable.

注意事項 Notes









  • Evaluate your pet’s temperament to decide if they are suitable for attending events.
  • Events open 30 minutes before the start.
  • Limited seating; early arrival recommended.
  • For paid lectures, physical receipts will be issued.
  • For event information, please refer to Bleu & Book Facebook fan page.
  • Please take care of the tools used during the event. Any damages will require compensation at cost.
  • Please respect the speakers and other participants’ remarks.
  • The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, interpret, or cancel this event. Any relevant changes will be announced on the website.

相關事宜請洽 For inquiries, please contact:bleubook2016@gmail.com


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