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樹林跳:跳島舞蹈節-身體工作坊 WIDF Dance Workshops

10/21 @ 2:00 下午 - 11/01 @ 4:00 下午



The “WIDF Dance Workshops: Forest Island Dance Festival” will be held from October 21 to November 3, 2024, at Shulin Arts Center. This year’s theme, “Dancing Together” features collaborations with 20 artists from Taiwan and abroad. The festival offers 2 performances, 16 workshops and 2 public lectures.

The body workshops will feature 16 sessions in various dance styles, including contemporary dance, ballet, street dance and Myanmar dance. Workshops are categorized into “General” and “Professional” tracks, ensuring that everyone’s dance interests are met.

身體工作坊  課程資訊 Workshop Information

課程日期 Date:10/21(一 Monday)至11/1(五 Friday)

課程長度 Duration:依課程設計需求,每堂課約90至120分鐘不等。 90-120 minutes per session.

課程地點 Venue:樹林藝文中心3F排練室 3F Rehearsal Room, Shulin Arts Center(新北市樹林區樹新路40-8號 No. 40-8, Shuxin Rd., Shulin Dist., New Taipei City)

課程費用 Fee:免費參加,每人每場次工作坊須收NT$200保證金(請由ACCUPASS系統繳交),活動當日主辦單位將以現金退還。若您於報名後因故缺席課程,主辦單位將不另行退還NT$200保證金,敬請特別留意。 Free entry; NT$200 deposit required per workshop (paid via ACCUPASS), which will be refunded in cash on the event day. If you miss the session after registering, the NT$200 will not be refunded.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409160837261517601780?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

課程類型 Workshop Categories: 

一般篇 General Track

每個人都是天生的舞者,找到專屬於你的舞步 Everyone is a born dancer, find your unique dance moves

適合對象 Audience:每一個你 Open to all
授課講師 Instructors:古名伸、温其偉*、潘巴奈(Panay Pan)*、葉名樺*、董怡芬*、鄭伊雯*、謝知穎*、魏光慶(古牧特.法拉)

專業篇 Professional Track

進修再進修,一起練舞功 Advance your dance skills, let’s train together

適合對象 Audience:有舞蹈經驗者 Dancers with prior experience
授課講師 Instructors:王甯、吳義芳、李蕙雯、張曉雄、彭云緹、黃培韶(A-Yao)、囂張、Albert Garcia

如有任何報名問題,歡迎洽詢 For registration inquiries, contact:

  • 【樹林跳:跳島舞蹈節 We Island Dance Festival】臉書粉絲專頁 Facebook Page
  • 【樹林跳:跳島舞蹈節 We Island Dance Festival】官方信箱 Email widf.tw@gmail.com
  • 【樹林跳:跳島舞蹈節 We Island Dance Festival】聯繫電話 Phone 02-29674495

身體工作坊  各課程介紹 Body Workshop Descriptions

一般篇 General Track

古名伸【結構與解構 Structure and Deconstruction】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/21(一 Monday)14:30-16:30

工作坊簡介 Overview:


Where does freedom come from? It is not mere randomness. Our physical activities, such as living, moving and dancing, all rely on body structure. This workshop will guide participants in understanding and practicing body structure, enabling limitless freedom through deconstruction.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 自備運動護膝 Bring knee pads(有墊子,非復健護膝 with padding, not rehabilitation knee pads)
  4. 年齡限制 Age:15歲-70歲 15-70 years old

魏光慶【我的舞我的歌一起一起 My Dance, My Song Together】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/31(四 Thursday)10:00-12:00

工作坊簡介 Overview:


This workshop will blend modern dance with indigenous music and movements, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of Taiwan’s indigenous culture. The goal is to showcase how indigenous culture can be integrated into contemporary dance.

備註 Notes:

  1. 準備愉悅的心情來唱歌跳舞 Come prepared to sing and dance joyfully
  2. 年齡限制 Age:16歲(含,以上) 16+ years old


黃培韶(A-Yao)【我的身體慢慢來 My Body, Slow and Steady】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/25(五 Friday)10:00-12:00

工作坊簡介 Overview:


This workshop encourages participants to explore their body’s potential without force. The course will expand the use of body, voice, language and expression, with opportunities to discuss and share personal experiences.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:課程會與地板接觸,如有需要請準備護膝、穿著長褲長袖 Comfortable clothing; knee pads recommended
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:攜帶毛巾和水、護膝 Towel, water, knee pads
  3. 年齡限制 Age:無 No restriction

Albert Garcia【The Performative Play Riot—a Sharing】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/25(五 Friday)14:30-16:30

工作坊簡介 Overview:


Inspired by various practices, my work lies between movement and meaning making. Through observation, questioning and action, I aim to inspire creativity. We will broaden and challenge our physical expression using games, tasks and improvisations to enhance communication and understanding. I hope to bring child-like fascination and sensitivity to the world by engaging the mundane in dramatic and abstract dialogues. Each day offers a chance to explore and share personal tastes to better understand ourselves as humans, performers and creators.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:18歲(含,以上) 18+ years old

彭云緹【緬甸華僑移民樂舞身體脈絡 Body Rhythm of Burmese-Chinese Immigrants】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/26(六 Saturday)14:30-16:30

工作坊簡介 Overview:


This workshop will explore the diverse music and dance brought by Burmese-Chinese migrants, focusing on how multicultural influences shape body movements. Participants will experience various dance forms from Thailand, Myanmar and Taiwan.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:無 No restriction

李蕙雯【重磅體感 Heavy Sensation of the Body】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/27(日 Sunday)10:00-12:00

工作坊簡介 Overview:

充滿多巴胺與腦內啡的當代身體技巧課—— 透過動作的力量、時間與空間等基本元素,「建立」與「連結」身體結構,「重複」與「疊加」動作語彙,啟動「離心」、「失衡」、「回盪」、「彈落」等動力,感受骨骼、肌肉與韌帶的牽引與協力合作。在激動與平穩、強勁與消弱的操作中,探索體感的極端,建立細緻的身體過程。

This contemporary body technique class will use elements such as time, space and action to build and connect body structure, creating movement dynamics like centrifugal force, imbalance and oscillation. Participants will experience the collaboration of bones, muscles and ligaments.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:無 No restriction

王甯【測量 ∠ ° ↔ 身體 ∥ ⊥ ∆ 舞蹈 Measuring ∠ ° ↔ Body ∥ ⊥ ∆ Dance】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/29(二 Tuesday)14:30-16:30

工作坊簡介 Overview:

「從皮膚位移到肌肉,再從肌肉移動到骨骼;大腦與心臟之間的距離、指節間的縫隙。手肘與牆壁靠近,骨盆距離地表很遠。我從A點帶著輕盈的心情與巨大的質量,經過旋弧路徑抵達B點觸碰到你⋯⋯」 透過「身體覺察」、「空間座標」、「動態測量」、「partnering」等活動,在身體與空間的間隙中位移、運動,全身性的動態測量中,跳起舞來!工作坊將從「一個原點」,展開無限大的測量旅程。

Through activities such as “body awareness”, “spatial coordinates” and “dynamic measurement” participants will explore the relationship between body and space, creating a dynamic dance from a single point of origin.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:12歲(含,以上) 12+ years old

吳義芳【肢體能量工作坊 Body Energy Workshop】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/30(三 Wednesday)10:00-11:30

工作坊簡介 Overview:


This course integrates breathing principles, Tai Chi, and energy techniques to reduce muscle strain during dance training and performances, improve energy circulation and prevent injuries.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:16歲(含,以上) 16+ years old

囂張【LOCKING舞蹈肌肉運用與訓練 Locking Dance Muscle Control and Training】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:10/30(三 Wednesday)14:30-16:00

工作坊簡介 Overview:


This workshop focuses on muscle control for locking dance, emphasizing power and rhythm training for better efficiency.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:無 No restriction

張曉雄【發想與執行 Conception and Execution】

工作坊時間 Date & Time:11/1(五 Friday)10:00-11:40

工作坊簡介 Overview:


Based on contemporary techniques, this workshop will guide participants through the creative process, from idea generation to performance execution.

備註 Notes:

  1. 服裝需求 Attire:著舒適方便活動衣褲 Comfortable, flexible clothing
  2. 攜帶物品 Bring:建議攜帶毛巾、水 Towel, water
  3. 年齡限制 Age:16歲(含,以上) 16+ years old

 注意事項 Notes

  • 工作坊名額有限,建議儘早報名,課程額滿後將不再受理報名。若您報名後因故無法出席,請務必主動告知,我們會將參與名額釋出給其他民眾報名。
  • 主辦單位將針對每堂工作坊報名學員投保旅遊平安險,請於報名時協助填入您的個人資訊。
  • 若您報名之場次有誤或是需要退票,請您透過ACCUPASS系統進行退票動作,並請留意可辦理退票之時限為 「購買成功24小時後,並於活動票券有效開始日前8日」 ,退票將酌收票面金額10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理。
  • 本次工作坊將同步進行活動攝錄影紀錄,請參與者協助於「肖像授權書」欄位勾選同意肖像權露出相關事宜。本影像紀錄以藝文推廣或非營利性之目的為限。
  • 主辦單位保有最終內容及時間修改之權利,以「跳島舞蹈節」粉絲專頁公告為準。
  • 如遇天災等不可抗力因素致活動無法如期舉行,後續處理方式請以以「跳島舞蹈節」粉絲專頁公告為準。
  • Limited seats: Register early to secure a spot. If you are unable to attend after registering, please inform the organizers so the seat can be offered to others.
  • Insurance: All registered participants will be covered by travel accident insurance.
  • Refund policy: Refund requests must be made through the ACCUPASS system within 24 hours of purchase and at least 8 days before the event start date. A 10% processing fee will be deducted.
  • Photography/Recording: By registering, participants agree to allow the use of event footage for non-commercial purposes.
  • Schedule updates: Check the official Facebook page for the latest schedule and changes.
  • Event cancellation: In case of natural disasters or force majeure, follow the official Facebook page for updates on rescheduling or cancellation.


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