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設計交流之夜 Design Exchange Night|從材料延展 Exploring Materiality feat. 偶然設計 曾令理、 向罕設計 許向罕

10/18 @ 7:00 下午 - 8:30 下午

設計交流之夜 ,我們從材料出發,與講者共同探索在不同領域中的可能性。本次邀請到曾令理 策展人 以及 許向罕 設計師,從不同的作品尺度、新竹到台灣,乃至國際社會上,不同領域的兩位講者,但卻在某些狀態下交叉,找到共通點。


At Design Exchange Night, we will explore the possibilities of materiality across different fields with our guest speakers. We are excited to welcome Tseng Ling-Li, curator and Hsu Hsiang Han, designer, to share insights into their works, ranging from small-scale designs to large international projects. Although they come from different domains—Tseng from curatorial and spatial design, and Hsu from industrial design—their work intersects in unique ways, finding common ground in their approach to materiality.

Through a selection of their past works, both speakers will delve into the creative processes and stories behind their designs, giving us a glimpse of how they view the potential of materials.

講者介紹 Speaker Introductions

曾令理 Tseng Ling-Li 偶然設計Serendipity Studio 共同發起人 Co-founder of Serendipity Studio


現任國立陽明交通大學建築研究所助理教授,創作跨界於理工與藝術之間、夢幻與務實之際,致力於公共美學的啟發性。近年來多次策畫公共性展覽,「台灣文博會-花蓮館」與「新北山河陣」榮獲德國紅點最佳設計獎Best of the Best。2023年更代表台灣參加倫敦設計雙年展,從40多個國家單位中拿下年度最佳設計Best Design Medal的殊榮。

Tseng Ling-Li is known for spatial creation and installation art with no set limitations in style or scale. After graduating from Tunghai University’s Department of Architecture, she pursued further studies at Cooper Union and Harvard University, earning a Master’s degree in Architecture and Technology. In 2016, Tseng co-founded Serendipity Studio, which facilitates cross-disciplinary collaborations with various creators.

Currently an assistant professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University’s Institute of Architecture, Tseng’s work straddles the fields of science and art, as well as fantasy and practicality. She is dedicated to inspiring public aesthetics, having curated numerous public exhibitions. Her curations, such as “Hualien Pavilion at Taiwan Creative Expo” and “New Taipei Shan He Zhen” have won the prestigious Red Dot Best of the Best Award. In 2023, she represented Taiwan at the London Design Biennale and was awarded the Best Design Medal among participants from over 40 countries.

許向罕 Hsu Hsiang Han 向罕設計創辦人 Founder of Hsiang Han Design


工作室多年來與國內外單位合作:義大利Cappellini、Caimi品牌、台灣W春池計畫、Unobject、琉園品牌、米蘭Rossana Orlandi藝廊、Rinascente百貨、杜林CRAG Home Gallery藝廊、台北Restaurant A餐廳、台中璞真建設勤美之森、工研院…等,藉由研究不同產業製程與材質:塑膠、3D列印、玻璃、金屬、布料、木、大理石、陶瓷、電子…等,來進行設計藝術創作,其領域包含家具、燈飾、工業產品、雕塑、藝術裝置。

作品曾參與米蘭設計週、米蘭三年館、ADI義大利工業設計博物館、巴黎Maison & Objet、德國KHALIL Design Week、日本DESIGNART Tokyo、台灣設計展、台灣文博會工藝館、新竹春室展、新竹玻璃設計藝術節展出,以及米蘭衛星展博物館永久館藏。

曾榮獲獎項:台灣金點設計獎、義大利RoPlastic Prize、A’Design Award、德國BraunPrize、iF Design Award、Red Dot Design Award、美國IDEA。

Hsu Xiang-Han comes from an industrial design background and is based in Taipei. His creative philosophy draws inspiration from nature, and his works explore the relationship between design, processes, and materials, creating new possibilities and values for design objects and artistic creations.

His studio has collaborated with international and domestic brands, including Italy’s Cappellini and Caimi, Taiwan’s W Spring Pool Glass, Unobject, Liu Li Gong Fang, Rossana Orlandi Gallery in Milan, Rinascente Department Store, CRAG Home Gallery in Turin, Restaurant A in Taipei, and various others. Hsu’s research into different industries and materials such as plastics, 3D printing, glass, metals, textiles, wood, marble, ceramics, and electronics, informs his design and artistic creations across fields like furniture, lighting, industrial products, sculpture, and installations.

Hsu’s works have been featured at numerous exhibitions, including Milan Design Week, Maison & Objet in Paris, KHALIL Design Week in Germany, and DESIGNART Tokyo. His pieces have also been showcased in Taiwan’s Craft Pavilion at the Creative Expo, and Hsinchu Glass Art Festival, with some included in the permanent collection of the Milan Satellite Museum.

Hsu has received various awards, including the Golden Pin Design Award, RoPlastic Prize in Italy, A’Design Award, iF Design Award, and the Red Dot Design Award.

講座時地及須知 Lecture Details and Information

❚日期及時間 Date & Time:10/18(五 Friday)19:00~20:30

❚地點 Venue:新竹市北區經國路二段100號11樓【森SPACE】 11/F, No. 100, Sec. 2, Jingguo Rd., North Dist., Hsinchu City

❚費用 Fee(包含講師、場地、飲品費用 includes lecturer, venue, and drinks):NT$350/人 person

❚報名注意事項 Registration Notice:主辦方有權改期或取消活動 The organizer reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the event

❚停車資訊 Parking:正門口對面全聯樓上有公有停車場 Public parking is available above the PX Mart across the street from the main entrance

❚講座參加注意事項 Photography and Video Notice:請注意,本次活動將會全程錄影拍照,如果您選擇參加活動即代表您,授權森學及其合作夥伴得以永遠於各種媒體上使用您的肖像權。 The event will be recorded and photographed. By attending, you grant Sen SPACE and its partners the right to use your image across various media.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409130150131391549189

活動相關問題洽詢,請加 For any inquiries regarding the event, please contact 森SPACE LINE官方帳號

活動場地 About the Venue


「MUJI RENOVATION空間改造企劃」打造全台第一間共享辦公室 森SPACE is Taiwan’s first co-working space created under the “MUJI Renovation Project”.


The 11th-floor shared space is designed with a “pocket” concept, allowing flexible use of the area. When curtains are drawn, it transforms into individual spaces; when open, it becomes a shared, collaborative environment. The venue is infused with local Hsinchu culture, creating a rich artistic atmosphere.


7:00 下午 - 8:30 下午
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新竹市, Taiwan
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