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城市之聲 City Sounds|手機取樣編曲工作坊 Mobile Sampling and Music Production Workshop

09/28 @ 2:20 下午 - 9:20 下午




Can you hear the heartbeat of the city? From footsteps to the noise of traffic and the quiet corners, everything in the city can become a source of creative inspiration.

When people talk about the impression of a city, it’s often described as busy and noisy. However, behind every sound, there’s a story…

It could be the early morning market, with restaurants preparing food and the lively calls of vendors.
It could be the streets in the morning, filled with the rich aroma of coffee from cafes.
It could be the rush hour, the hurried footsteps in the station, and the sound of honking cars.
It could be the sounds of diners chatting and clinking cutlery in a restaurant.
It could be the laughter of children playing and elders playing chess in the park on a holiday.








What beauty do you find in your city?

When we stop perceiving the city’s sounds as interference and start seeing them as a rich resource for creativity, will the world appear differently?

The beauty of the city lies in its diversity and endless stories. Every corner hides a unique moment, allowing you to feel the pulse of life. This course helps you step back from the busyness of daily life, rediscover the sounds of the city, and use them to create your own unique music. Through music, we can reconnect with our cities and uncover forgotten beautiful moments.

This is a creative journey that helps you rediscover the beauty of the city.

Do you like your city?
What color and scent does it have in your eyes?
How would you introduce your city through creative expression?

No longer just a bystander in the city—become an active participant in the urban landscape.

這個工作坊適合怎麼樣的對象? Who is this workshop for?

1. 不會樂器或編曲的音樂探索者
2. 希望提升音樂技能,尋找創作靈感與方法的藝術工作者
3. 喜歡探索新事物,想要表達自己的情感和故事的學習者
4. 希望能覺察與探索更多可能性的生活觀察者

  1. Music explorers with no prior experience in instruments or composition.
  2. Artists seeking to enhance their music skills and find inspiration for creation.
  3. Learners who love exploring new things and expressing their emotions and stories.
  4. Observers of life, wanting to discover and explore more possibilities.



This beginner-friendly course is perfect for anyone interested in music creation. You will learn simple and easy-to-understand software operations and music composition techniques. Even if you have no prior experience, you can easily get started and create your own urban soundscape.

This course is for anyone interested in city sounds and music production, regardless of age, personality, or profession. If you have passion and creativity, this is the place to find your inspiration!

參與者需要準備什麼? What do participants need to prepare?

1. 手機 或 平板電腦
2. 有線耳機
3. 下載 Koala Sampler App(費用約NT$150,iOS、Android系統皆有)

  1. A mobile phone or tablet
  2. Wired earphones
  3. Download the Koala Sampler App (cost around NT$150, available on both iOS and Android)

課程會怎麼進行呢? How will the course be conducted?





  • Creative Perspective Sharing
    How do you turn what you see and hear into creative inspiration? We will share our creative and observation methods.
  • Music Composition Structure Sharing
    Introduction to common music genres, frequency, instrument and section arrangement, and drum kit setup. You will gradually get hands-on experience, and we will teach you how to use the Koala Sampler software.
  • Street Sampling and Practical Operation
    Now, consciously walk the streets again. Let the seemingly ordinary scenes become your source of inspiration and transform the sounds into music.
  • Rediscover the City Through Music
    Share your work with other participants, and together experience the city’s diverse aspects through different perspectives.

適合對象 Suitable Participants


No prior music knowledge is required—everyone is welcome to join.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408230710441352623476?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408260123117917035830

常見問題 FAQ

Q:一定要用Koala app嗎?如果我有自己使用熟悉的其他軟體可以嗎?

A:可以,只要是您熟悉的軟體都可以。推薦使用Koala app是因為其軟體特色:
– 可以即時錄音取樣到介面當中的打擊鍵,16格直觀素材即時打出心中的節奏
– 快速改變取樣音高的鍵盤模式,選取音調快速創造旋律
– 64格序列以及多種效果,即時演奏也能創造多種創意音樂動態

Q: Do I have to use the Koala app? Can I use other software I’m familiar with?
A: Yes, you can use any software you are comfortable with. However, we recommend Koala for its unique features:

  • Real-time recording and sampling directly into the interface’s 16 pads, allowing you to instantly create rhythms from the sounds you capture.
  • A keyboard mode that lets you quickly adjust the pitch of samples and create melodies.
  • A 64-step sequencer and multiple effects that enable real-time performance and the creation of dynamic music.

帶領者介紹 Instructors



Currently an improvisational musician with Huiyin Theatre, a cellist and backing vocalist for Island Band, a theater music designer, and a session musician for independent singers. In 2024, she founded “Motifive,” offering improvisational and creative workshops.

Having grown up in classical music, she spent two years in Germany studying cello performance. After returning to Taiwan, she discovered improvisation and theater, which transformed her relationship with music. Grace excels at collaborating and conversing across different fields. She has composed music for film, designed sound for theater, and written cello parts for singers. Her past collaborators include Wu Qingyuan, Huang Yuting, Wang Pinyu, Island Band, Paliulius Band, Yilan Green Expo, the Garden of Hope Foundation, and the Tainan Arts Festival.

平安 Piin-Ann


比賽經歷如2022年「Oursong DEGEN remix⼤賽榮獲第三、創作者互投第⼀」。


An experimental electronic music producer who combines electronic sounds, natural soundscapes, and chanting. Pin An’s music travels across various genres, from pop during their participation in “The Jungle Voice 2” to producing for independent hip-hop labels, and now focusing on independent electronic music. They perform live, teach, and produce across different locations while retreating to the mountains for spiritual practice.

Performances include the 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival, Black Bear Music Festival, Left Bank Café Midnight Dragon, and various wellness workshops.

Competition experiences include winning third place and first in peer voting at the 2022 Oursong DEGEN Remix Contest.

Currently, Pin An manages the “Music Production Course” community and teaches in an online course titled “Zero Music Theory Electronic Production”, launched in 2023 with over 100 positive reviews from students.


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