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亞洲影視交流論壇 Asian Film and Television Exchange Forum|探索東南亞與台灣影視未來——文化、合作與全球影響力 Exploring the Future of Southeast Asian and Taiwanese Film & TV: Culture, Collaboration, and Global Influence

09/28 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午


As Southeast Asia becomes an increasingly important force in the global film and television industry, its diverse cultures and creativity are showcasing immense potential on the international stage. This forum focuses on the Southeast Asian film and TV industry, offering in-depth discussions by professionals on the market potential, cultural narratives, balancing production with internationalization, global distribution strategies, and the future of cross-border collaborations in the region. The goal is to foster exchange and cooperation among film and television professionals from different countries, creating more opportunities for Southeast Asian and Taiwanese works to thrive internationally.

專題一 Topic 1:東南亞與台灣電影作品的全球發行策略 Global Distribution Strategies for Southeast Asian and Taiwanese Films

■ 主講人 Speaker:莫澤川(Nelson Mok)Mokster Films聯合創辦人/國際發行人 Co-founder of Mokster Films / International Distributor

探討東南亞與台灣電影作品在全球市場上的趨勢、發行策略與目標市場,分享發行成功的案例與面臨的挑戰(泰國的《金孫爆富攻略》(HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES),在東南亞創下了4500萬美元的票房記錄)。

This topic explores the trends, distribution strategies, and target markets for Southeast Asian and Taiwanese films in the global market. It includes successful distribution case studies and the challenges faced, such as Thailand’s How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies, which grossed $45 million in Southeast Asia. It will also cover how to promote Southeast Asian and Taiwanese film and TV works at international film festivals.

專題二 Topic 2:東南亞影視與台灣市場的潛力與挑戰 Potential and Challenges of the Southeast Asian and Taiwanese Film & TV Markets

■ 主講人 Speaker:Khun Sirisak Koshpasharin 泰國影視與內容協會副主席 Vice President of Thai Film & Content Association


This discussion focuses on the current state and future development potential of the Southeast Asian and Taiwanese film and television markets. It will analyze the market characteristics and challenges across different countries and regions, sharing strategies and success stories from Thailand and Taiwan in promoting both local and international film and TV collaborations.

專題三 Topic 3:東南亞與台灣電影的敘事與文化表達 Narratives and Cultural Expressions in Southeast Asian and Taiwanese Films

■ 主講人 Speaker:紐瑟安基鈕安(Yosep Anggi Noen)印尼編導 Indonesian Filmmaker


This session explores how Southeast Asian and Taiwanese films express local culture through unique narrative techniques and cultural elements, examining the position and influence of these works on the global film stage. It will also discuss the potential for cultural resonance, with examples drawn from the speaker’s personal experiences.

專題四 Topic 4:台灣與新加坡影視製作:國際化與本地化的平衡 Taiwan and Singapore Film & TV Production: Balancing Internationalization and Localization

■ 主講人 Speaker:黃坤權(Huang Kun Quan)國際製片人 International Producer


This topic focuses on creating cross-cultural content and localization strategies, analyzing how the film and television industries in Taiwan and Singapore maintain their local characteristics while operating in an international context. It will also explore the roles of production teams from both regions in international collaborations and how regional cooperation can enhance the quality and influence of film and TV productions.

交流對談 Panel Discussion:多元文化視角下的東南亞影視合作 Southeast Asian Film & TV Collaboration from a Multicultural Perspective

■ 討論參與者 Panelists:各國代表 Representatives from Various Countries


This panel will focus on the theme of multiculturalism, exploring the cultural collisions and integrations in Southeast Asian film and television collaborations. It will analyze how these collaborations promote cultural exchange within and beyond the region, as well as the opportunities and challenges involved in cross-border partnerships.

*本次活動將以英文進行,並提供中文逐步口譯 Note: This event will be conducted in English, with Chinese interpretation provided.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409040627161821251950?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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