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銘傳商設藝廊 平仙妮校友繪畫展 Commercial Design Art Gallery: Alumni Hsien Ni Ping’s Painting Exhibition

09/23 @ 9:00 上午 - 10/07 @ 5:00 下午

銘傳大學桃園校區設計大樓3樓「商設藝廊」即日起至10/7止,展出銘傳商設系校友平仙妮的繪畫展「永遠在一起 Together Forever」,由藝術家親自挑選一些自身相當珍愛且有意涵的作品串聯參展,歡迎師生免費前往欣賞。

平仙妮,1984年出生於台灣桃園,視覺藝術工作者。2006年自銘傳大學商業設計學系畢業後,前往英國倫敦藝術大學Camberwell學院進修MA Illustration。其早期從事平面設計與插畫,繪畫作品多以女性角色的個人生命經驗為出發,爾後專注於視覺藝術至今,受女性主義啟發,藉由自身在當代社會下感受到的衝擊,關注女性相關議題,並從中欲傳達更多精神性、自由意識等思維。

2023年首次以個人代表創造的圖像「寶 Bao」真人化,在2023台北時尚週Taipei Fashion Show台灣女性藝術協會藝術家作品發表,並試圖作為女性自由意志的代表象徵,「寶 Bao」視覺型化為溫柔女性的面容,透過視覺藝術作品,將自由意識穿梭展現於各種介質與繪畫中,進一步表達母性中的愛與溫暖。




From now until October 7, the 3rd-floor “Gallery” at MCU Taoyuan Campus is hosting a painting exhibition titled “Together Forever” by alumni Hsien Ni Ping from Department of Commercial Design. The artist has personally curated a selection of her most cherished and meaningful works for the exhibition, and students and faculty are welcome to visit the gallery for free.

Hsien Ni Ping, born in 1984 in Taoyuan, Taiwan, is a visual artist. After graduating from MCU’s Department of Commercial Design in 2006, she furthered her studies at the University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts, earning an MA in Illustration. Early in her career, she focused on graphic design and illustration, with many of her paintings drawing from personal life experiences, particularly those of women. Over time, she shifted her focus to visual arts, influenced by feminism, and addressing women’s issues through the lens of contemporary societal challenges. Through her work, she seeks to convey themes of spirituality and freedom of thought.

In 2023, Ping Xian-Ni debuted her personal creation, the character “Bao”, in real life during the Taiwan Female Artists Association’s presentation at the Taipei Fashion Week. “Bao” is intended to symbolize women’s free will, depicted as a gentle female figure. Through her visual art, she uses “Bao” to express the themes of freedom and maternal love, reflecting these ideas across various media and paintings.

Several of the works exhibited at  Gallery come from her 2019 solo exhibition, “Tales of Love”. In these pieces, she explores the interplay between human emotions and relationships, using the universal appeal and symbolism of classic fairy tales and the exploration of human and divine nature found in Western mythology. These works emphasize the different facets of love, ultimately returning to the core belief in the beauty and goodness of love, with the message that love and kindness are the most important elements for sustaining the world—a theme central to her artistic philosophy.

In a Facebook post, Hsien Ni Ping shared her deep sense of gratitude for her time at MCU’s Department of Commercial Design and the support she received from many people along her journey. Now, returning to her alma mater with the opportunity to exhibit her work, she hopes to convey themes of “romantic redemption” and “What Remains Behind”. Much like in the story of The Wizard of Oz, where unity and belief are essential, she wishes to express that life’s path or pursuit of dreams is something that can be walked further and more beautifully when shared with others.

The series “What Remains Behind” further conveys the idea that life is fleeting. However, through the passage of time, while the original forms may fade, the positive spirit and ideas endure forever in our hearts. Therefore, the exhibition is titled “Together Forever”, reflecting the everlasting connection between her heart and MCU.


09/23 @ 9:00 上午
10/07 @ 5:00 下午
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桃園市, Taiwan