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表達藝術治療 Expressive Arts Therapy:探索多元媒材的療癒性‧藝術與我的關係 Exploring the Healing Power of Diverse Media and My Relationship with Art

11/09 @ 9:30 上午 - 11/10 @ 4:30 下午

📆工作坊日期 Date:2024.11.9(六 Saturday)-11.10(日 Sunday)

🕘工作坊時間 Time:09:30-12:00/13:30-16:30,共計12小時 Total: 12 hours

🏠工作坊地點 Venue:美意好室 May House(台北市南港區玉成街179號,後山埤捷運站3號出口步行2分鐘 No. 179, Yucheng St., Nangang Dist., Taipei City; 2-minute walk from Houshanpi MRT Station, Exit 3)

👫工作坊對象 Participants:(如對報名資格有疑問請洽主辦單位E-CATA Please contact the organizer, E-CATA, if you have any questions about eligibility)



  1. Mental health professionals interested in expressive arts therapy, including those in healthcare, education, and counseling.
  2. Graduate students from accredited universities, majoring in arts, psychology, education, healthcare, or social work, who have taken courses related to expressive arts therapy (including those with internship and practical experience).

工作坊介紹 Workshop Overview


This workshop provides a creative and supportive space for participants to gain a foundational understanding of the development and origins of expressive arts therapy. Participants will learn how creation serves as both a medium and a core principle of treatment in this field. Through various artistic materials, individuals can explore self-awareness, promote personal growth, and find spiritual healing, ultimately achieving a balance between their inner self and the external world.

講師介紹 Instructor Introduction

章容榕老師 Dr. Chang Jung-Jung




Ph.D. in Expressive Therapies, Lesley University, Massachusetts

Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Taipei

Specializations: Expressive arts therapy, therapeutic play, cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), psychological distress and mental health care.

工作坊目標 Workshop Goals:

1.      提供對表達性藝術治療的基礎概念。

2.      強調創作在治療中的核心地位,不僅是媒介,更是處遇的重要原則。

3.      探索多種藝術媒材如何幫助個人探索自我、促進成長和心靈療癒。

4.      強調創作對內在自我和外在社會的平衡的重要性。

  1. Provide a foundational understanding of expressive arts therapy.
  2. Emphasize the central role of creation in therapy, highlighting its importance as both a medium and treatment principle.
  3. Explore how diverse artistic media can aid in self-exploration, growth, and healing.
  4. Highlight the significance of balancing the inner self with the external world through creative expression.

工作坊架構 Workshop Structure:

1.      導入和介紹

2.      介紹表達性藝術治療的發展和起源

3.      創作作為處遇的核心

4.      實際創作體驗

5.      分享和討論

6.      總結和反思

  1. Introduction and overview
  2. History and development of expressive arts therapy
  3. Creation as the core of treatment
  4. Hands-on creative experience
  5. Sharing and discussion
  6. Summary and reflection

諮商心理師&社工師繼續教育積分申請中 Continuing Education Credits for Counselors & Social Workers Pending

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408241515231099580411

📣報名須知 Notes

  1. 本課程學習內容不歸屬於表達性藝術治療實作課程。
  2. 請參與者穿著輕便好伸展的衣服。
  3. 請攜帶過期雜誌圖片數份。
  4. 本研討會提供研習證明電子檔。
  5. 教室內禁止攜帶外食;請自備口罩,如有發燒、咳嗽等不適症狀,請勿參加。
  6. 需事先報名,以便安排座位及準備教材,主辦單位將於上課前以電子郵件寄發報到提醒,若有訊息漏失情事,可逕洽主辦單位查詢。
  7. 若因報名人數不足或不可預測之因素,主辦單位得保留本課程日期及內容之變更權利。
  8. 如遇活動取消或延期,相關事宜請洽主辦單位。聯絡信箱:service@ecata.org.tw聯絡電話:0903-522-015 E-CATA秘書處。
  1. This workshop is not a practical course in expressive arts therapy.
  2. Please wear comfortable clothing for ease of movement.
  3. Bring several expired magazines with pictures for the session.
  4. An electronic certificate of participation will be provided.
  5. No outside food is allowed in the classroom; please bring your own mask and refrain from attending if you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms.
  6. Pre-registration is required to ensure seating and materials are prepared. The organizer will send a reminder via email before the course. For any missing information, please contact the organizer directly.
  7. The organizer reserves the right to change the course date and content due to low registration or unforeseen circumstances.
  8. For cancellation or postponement inquiries, please contact the organizer at service@ecata.org.tw or call 0903-522-015 (E-CATA Secretariat).


11/09 @ 9:30 上午
11/10 @ 4:30 下午
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