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社團期初大會等你來參加 Join the Club Orientation Meetings!

09/16 @ 6:00 下午 - 09/22 @ 8:30 下午


首先,本週(9/16-22)桃園校區9/16(一)由炎風熱音社18:00在S104舉辦「新生説明會」介紹社團運作讓參與者更多了解該社團,台北校區則由跆拳道社18:00在F507與新朋友們見面,歡迎新人加入。過完中秋由台北校區由攝影美學社接棒,於9/18(三)舉行期初大會暨暑期成果發表,同一時間桃園校區魔術社動漫同好社晨星音樂創作社(前桃銘嘻研)也盛大舉行,魔術社於M308展開大飽眼福的各式表演,帶領各位一同進入魔術的神奇世界 ,18:30進場19:00開始。動漫同好社活動詳情請隨時關注IG。晨星音樂創作社更於18:00-20:30舉辦新生說明會,想更加了解以上社團的同學們,各社將誠摯歡迎各位的到來!


After last week’s lively Club Expo, are you still unsure which of Ming Chuan’s diverse clubs to join? Or do you want to learn more before making a decision? Then don’t miss the Club Orientation Meetings! These events are designed not only to introduce each club through detailed presentations by senior members but also to include fun activities and snacks to give you a taste of each club’s passion and friendliness. You’ll feel welcomed into the family of the club you choose!

Starting this week (September 16-22), the Taoyuan Campus will kick off with Firewind Club‘s Freshmen Orientation on Monday, September 16, at 18:00 in room S104, providing an introduction to the club’s activities and operations. Meanwhile, the Taekwondo Club on the Taipei Campus will hold its orientation at 18:00 in room F507, inviting new members to join.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Taipei Campus Photo Club will take over on Wednesday, September 18, hosting their Orientation and Summer Achievements Presentation. At the same time, Taoyuan Campus Magic Club, Anime Club and Venus Music Creation Club (formerly known as Taoyuan Hip Hop Research Society) will also be holding exciting events. The Magic Club will dazzle participants with a series of performances in room M308, with doors opening at 18:30 and the show starting at 19:00, offering a glimpse into the magical world. For more details on the Anime Club’s activities, keep an eye on their Instagram. The Morning Star Music Creation Club will be hosting their Freshmen Orientation from 18:00 to 20:30, warmly welcoming all students interested in these clubs.

On Thursday, September 19, more clubs will host their orientation meetings. From 18:30 to 20:30, Hung Ran Philanthropy Club and Environmental Protection Club will hold a joint event in room B401 on Taipei Campus. Students interested in joining must complete the form and leave a comment in the group notes by midnight on September 15. Meanwhile, on the Taoyuan Campus, Outdoor Club and Cocktail Club will also be holding their events, with limited-time offers announced on their Instagram. Lastly, ChungDe Volunteer Club will conclude the week’s club orientation meetings.

For students still on the fence about joining a club, whether freshmen or upperclassmen, clubs offer a chance to relax from your studies and meet like-minded friends. If you’re interested in any clubs, don’t miss this opportunity! If you have any questions, drop by the orientation meetings to learn more. For more details, please check out each club’s Instagram or Facebook page.

註 Note:社團的連結請點選課指組社團主頁 For club links, visit the club page on the curriculum office website



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桃園市, Taiwan