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【速寫台北。插畫家帶路 Sketch Taipei: Guided by an Illustrator】來去鐵道博物館 Let’s Visit the Railway Museum

09/29 @ 1:00 下午 - 4:00 下午




The “National Taiwan Museum Railway Department Park” quietly resides amid the bustling crowds and traffic near Beimen. With its Japanese-style red brick walls and classical architectural structure, it houses various historical collections related to Taiwan’s railway development.

This September, illustrator Grace will guide sketching enthusiasts into the time tunnel of the Railway Museum. In this session, we will start by practicing “observational sketching” of vintage platforms, trains, and traffic signals. Then, we will deconstruct the museum’s lighting and colors, and practice various “color matching techniques”. Finally, we’ll sketch different exhibition spaces, focusing on “framing and perspective” techniques.

On the last Sunday of September, take a leisurely stroll through the elegant, retro architecture of the Railway Museum and enjoy a railway-themed sketching session!

活動內容 Event Content

  • 速寫媒材介紹(油性粉彩、麥克筆)
  • 室外速寫技巧介紹
  • 現場速寫示範
  • 復古車站的觀察練習
  • 鐵道元素的配色練習
  • 視角與取景練習
  • 一對一指導
  • 作品分享
  • Introduction to sketching materials (oil pastels, markers)
  • Outdoor sketching techniques
  • On-site sketching demonstration
  • Observational practice of vintage stations
  • Color matching practice for railway elements
  • Perspective and framing practice
  • One-on-one guidance
  • Sharing of completed works

活動特色 Event Highlights

  • 探索自己的插畫風格,不再只是模仿老師作品
  • 沒有畫畫基礎也可以參加
  • 無需自備媒材,人來就可以畫
  • 首次參加者,可獲得高磅數速寫本1本(數量有限,送完為止!)
  • 旅英歸國講師,根據每個學員進度一對一指導
  • Discover your own illustration style instead of just copying the instructor’s work
  • No prior drawing experience required
  • No need to bring materials—just show up and start drawing
  • First-time participants will receive a free high-weight sketchbook (limited quantity, while supplies last)
  • The instructor, who studied in the UK, provides one-on-one guidance based on each student’s progress

誰適合參加這次的活動? Who Should Attend

  • 想要學習插畫的你
  • 希望練習觀察畫(Observational drawing)的你
  • 想要學習如何畫出博物館空間的你
  • 想要嘗試用混合媒材畫畫的你
  • Those who want to learn illustration
  • Those looking to practice observational drawing
  • Those interested in learning how to draw museum spaces
  • Those who want to try mixed media art

講師介紹 Instructor Introduction

Grace Chiu

英國劍橋藝術學院童書插畫系 碩士


速寫台北。插畫家帶路 創辦人、Illubase插畫講師、桃園市立圖書館 速寫工作坊講師、趨勢科技插畫工作坊講師。出版作品有《Kevin è Timido》、《彩虹谷的雲怪獸》、《有一天,你會懷念現在》、《波拉諾廣場》等書。

  • Master’s in Children’s Book Illustration, Cambridge School of Art, UK
  • Illustrator, picture book creator

Grace loves listening to stories and taking aimless walks. She specializes in creating works with mixed media such as watercolors, oil pastels, colored pencils and digital techniques.

She is the founder of Sketch Taipei: Guided by an Illustrator, an instructor at Illubase, and has conducted sketch workshops at Taoyuan City Library and Trend Micro. Her published works include Kevin è Timido, The Cloud Monster of Rainbow Valley, One Day, You’ll Miss This and Polano Square.


活動資訊 Event Details

  • 活動收費:NT$1,200/人;速寫課程、其他插畫課程舊生享有九折優惠
  • 最少5人開班
  • 主辦單位會準備色鉛筆、鉛筆、速寫本、油性粉彩、麥克筆等媒材
  • 課程示範以現場媒材為主,如果有慣用的媒材,也很歡迎帶來使用
  • Fee: NT$1200 per person; returning students of sketching or other illustration courses get a 10% discount.
  • Minimum 5 participants to open the class.
  • The organizer will provide colored pencils, pencils, sketchbooks, oil pastels, markers, etc.
  • The course demonstration will use on-site materials, but feel free to bring your own preferred materials if you have them.

活動時間與地點 Date and Venue

課程日期 Date & Time:2024.09.29(六 Saturday)13:00-16:00

課程地點 Venue:國立臺灣博物館鐵道部園區 National Taiwan Museum Railway Department Park(No. 2, Sec. 1, Yanping N. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 台北市大同區延平北路一段2號

【請注意 Notes】
*活動當天,請先於12:50在博物館「正門口」集合,我們會再一起購票入內。 On the event day, please meet at the museum’s main entrance at 12:50, and we will enter together after purchasing tickets.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405270616081876264099?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408220906379682549080

主辦單位介紹 About the Organizer


Sketch Taipei: Guided by an Illustrator was founded by illustrator Grace. Each session is held at a unique location, where she shares illustration sketching techniques and guides participants to sketch joyfully, seeing Taipei from a fresh perspective.

如果對活動有任何疑問,歡迎聯繫我們 If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact us:

Email: sketchoftaipei@gmail.com

Line 社群:Sketch of Taipei 插畫家帶路

Line 帳號:Sketch of Taipei 插畫家帶路


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