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線上哲學讀書會 Online Philosophy Book Club|《人心》是善還是惡? Is the Heart of Man Good or Evil?

09/22 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午


To choose goodness, we must indeed become aware. However, if we lose the capacity to feel empathy for others’ suffering, the warmth of a kind gaze, the song of birds, or the greenness of grass, no amount of awareness will help. If a person becomes indifferent to life, they will no longer be able to choose goodness. Their heart will harden, and their “life” will end. Should this happen to all of humanity, or to a few in supreme power, the future of humankind could disintegrate at its most promising moment.

——Fromm, E. (2024). 人心The Heart of Man. pp.238-239


人類為什麼想戰爭、熱愛死亡?為什麼人類會對生命、傷害與苦難漠不關心?為什麼人類社會瀰漫暴力氣氛?人類到底是「披著狼皮的羊」還是「披著羊皮的狼」?社會心理學家和哲學家佛洛姆在《人類破壞性的剖析》(1973)批判本能主義與行為主義對人類惡性的主張,並透過精神分析詳盡說明人類的破壞力與攻擊性從何而來。《人心》(The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil, 1964) 這本書則可說是《人類破壞性的剖析》的先聲之作與精華所在。


The first war of the 21st century—the Russo-Ukrainian War—has not yet ended, and in 2023, the Israel-Hamas war erupted again, threatening to engulf the Middle East in flames. In Asia, tensions across the Taiwan Strait and between North and South Korea have long been perceived by many as imminent threats. People might wonder, after two world wars, why humanity has yet to learn its lessons and let go of hatred and violence.

Why do humans seek war and love death? Why are humans indifferent to life, suffering, and pain? Why does our society breed an atmosphere of violence? Are humans “sheep in wolf’s clothing” or “wolves in sheep’s clothing”? In The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973), social psychologist and philosopher Erich Fromm criticizes the instinctual and behaviorist views of human evil and provides a detailed psychoanalytical explanation of where humanity’s destructiveness and aggression come from. The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil (1964), the book featured in this discussion, can be seen as a precursor and distilled essence of these ideas.

In The Heart of Man, Fromm identifies three psychological traits that form a “decay syndrome”, leading to personal mental illness and even large-scale wars and massacres. In contrast, he presents the possibility that humans can cultivate a “growth syndrome” which embraces life, and he advocates humanism as a beacon of hope for the future.


  • 人心善惡的傾向該如何界定?好人或壞人、是羊還是狼,是我們天生如此還是有選擇可言?
  • 為什麼在高度工業化的社會中,人類對生命漠不關心?為何人類會充滿焦慮,甚至仇恨生命?
  • 佛洛姆所謂「衰敗症候群」——戀屍癖、自戀與亂倫固著——有哪些形成條件?又要如何擺脫這些惡性傾向?
  • 人類註定只能活在暴力、殘酷與死亡的威脅下嗎?我們是否有能夠擺脫這些威脅的自由呢?

If you’re curious about the origins of human violence and war or how psychoanalysis explains these phenomena, join our book club to explore the following questions:

  • How should we define the tendencies of good and evil in the human heart? Are people inherently good or bad, and do we have the choice to be otherwise?
  • Why, in a highly industrialized society, do humans become indifferent to life? Why do we feel anxiety and, at times, hatred toward life itself?
  • What are the conditions for Fromm’s so-called “decay syndrome”—necrophilia, narcissism, and incest fixation? How can we free ourselves from these destructive tendencies?
  • Are humans destined to live under the threat of violence, cruelty, and death? Do we have the freedom to escape this fate?

本月選書:Fromm, E. (2024).  人心.

Book of the Month: Fromm, E. (2024). The Heart of Man.


This event is suitable for those who…

  • 看了書,有滿滿的想法想跟同好分享 💡
  • 看了書,但有些地方不太懂,想弄懂、想討論 🤔
  • 沒看書,但想了解本書的哲學思想 🗯️
  • 純粹想來場智性饗宴以打發時間 ⏳
  • Have read the book and want to share their thoughts with fellow enthusiasts 💡
  • Have read the book but found certain parts confusing and want to clarify and discuss 🤔
  • Haven’t read the book but are interested in its philosophical ideas 🗯️
  • Simply want to engage in an intellectual feast to pass the time ⏳

活動資訊 Event Information

▷ 導讀人 Facilitator:鄭凱元 Cheng Kai-Yuan(中正大學哲學博士 Ph.D. in Philosophy, National Chung Cheng University)

▷ 時間 Date & Time:2024/9/22(日 Sunday)14:00 – 17:00

▷ 地點 Venue:線上進行。報名成功者將收到線上會議連結,於活動時間在網路會議室中進行討論。 Online. Successful registrants will receive a link to the virtual meeting room where discussions will take place.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408210526432978541550?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2405070936332104074280

🔖 售票票種 Fee:

  • 早鳥票 Early Bird Ticket:NT$300/人 person(2024/8/19 ~ 2024/9/12發售 on sale)
  • 單場讀書會 Single Event Ticket:NT$400/人 person(2024/9/13 ~ 9/21發售 on sale)
  • 半年套票 Six-Month Pass:NT$1,800/人 person(購票日起一年內可選擇參加6場次 valid for six sessions within one year of purchase)
  • VIP:僅限前此已購買年票者以及「哲學上癮」年繳方案、「熱愛智者」月/年繳方案訂閱者使用報名,需審核。VIP資格以購買半年套票者或訂閱者的姓名與email為認證資料,資料不符者將無法通過審核。 Available only for those who previously purchased an annual pass or are subscribed to the “Philosophy Addict” annual plan or the “Lover of Wisdom” monthly/annual plan. VIP registration requires verification through the name and email associated with the subscription. Registrants who do not meet these criteria will not be approved.

名額 Participant Limit:20人 people

退費說明 Refund Policy:本活動不退費,活動期間因故無法參加者,可提早聯絡主辦單位轉讓票卷給他人使用。使用年票者可於活動舉辦前取消報名,將已報名的票卷延至後續場次使用。 This event is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, please contact the organizer in advance to transfer your ticket to someone else. Year pass holders can cancel their registration before the event and transfer their ticket to a future session.