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藝術家書籍的物質性及其感知經驗 Materiality of Artists’ Books and Their Perceptual Experience

10/20 @ 2:30 下午 - 4:00 下午

2024潮州街龍-Collection!藝術講座 2024 Chao Zhou Street Solitaire – Collection! Art Lecture


Collection!藝術講座邀請PAPER MATTER主理人-蔡胤勤,介紹藝術家書籍的特性與發展脈絡,帶大家認識藝術家是如何將創作理念透過書籍形式轉化為新的美學經驗。本場講座,胤勤老師也會將藏書帶來現場,透過實際的翻閱、觸摸等感官體驗,探索書籍作為藝術形式的多元可能。

What is an artist’s book?
An artist’s book is an art piece presented in the form of a publication, merging visual elements, text, printing, binding and the public’s reading habits. It breaks away from the traditional constraints of paper, becoming an experimental platform where artists explore self-expression, challenge narrative structures and redefine the essence of books.

Collection! The art lecture invites PAPER MATTER founder, Tsai Yin-Chin, to introduce the characteristics and development of artists’ books, offering insights into how artists transform their creative concepts into new aesthetic experiences through the medium of books. During the lecture, Mr. Tsai will bring part of his collection on-site, allowing participants to explore the diverse possibilities of books as an art form through tactile and sensory experiences.


𖡆講座日期 Date|2024.10.20(日 Sunday)

𖡆講座時間 Time|14:30-16:00

𖡆講座地點 Venue|榕錦時光生活園區 Rongjin Gorgeous Time(台北市大安區金華街167號 No. 167, Jinhua St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

𖡆報名保證金 Deposit|NT$200/人 person,於活動現場退還 refundable on-site

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408300636425979806390

講座將從「藝術家書籍」(Artists’ Books)這一媒介是如何通過物質層面來影響感知經驗出發,將探討書籍的物質性如何在材料選擇、製作技術與設計結構中得以體現,將書籍從純粹的視覺藝術轉變為涉及多感官的互動對象,並探索這種物質與感知的交互作用如何在概念層面上深化藝術的表達,成為藝術家理念的一部分,特別是在當代藝術語境中反思物質性與感知經驗之間的關係,並討論其對於藝術家製書未來發展提出一個潛在啟示與構思方法。

The lecture will begin by discussing how the medium of “artists’ books” impacts perceptual experience through its material aspects. It will explore how the materiality of books is expressed through choices in materials, production techniques, and design structures, transforming books from purely visual art into multi-sensory interactive objects. Furthermore, it will examine how this interaction between materiality and perception deepens artistic expression on a conceptual level, becoming a part of the artist’s ideas. In particular, it will reflect on the relationship between materiality and perceptual experience in the context of contemporary art, offering potential insights and approaches for the future development of artists’ books.

講者介紹|蔡胤勤 TSAI, YIN-CHIN

書籍藝術研究者/策展人,2018年甫成立PAPER MATTER藝術家書籍工作室,致力在兩岸三地推展出版作為藝術實踐的美學、知識及其生態建構。現為藝術家書籍文獻庫(ABA)營運負責及上海藝術家書研究中心(RCAB)學術總監,每年在國際間主持藝術書展(Art Book Fair)的活動策劃暨評審,並擔任相關藝術基金會與非營利組織的顧問工作。目前就讀於台北藝術大學美術學系博士班,研究主題以藝術家書籍與當代攝影書為核心:旨在發掘製書與出版在當下作為藝術實踐的能動性,並探索此媒材在亞洲的未來可能及其全球脈絡下的論述形構。

Tsai Yin-Chin is a researcher and curator specializing in book arts. In 2018, he founded PAPER MATTER, a studio dedicated to promoting the aesthetics, knowledge, and ecosystem of publishing as artistic practice across China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He is currently the Director of the Artists’ Book Archive (ABA) and Academic Director of the Research Center for Artists’ Books (RCAB) in Shanghai. Each year, he organizes and serves as a jury member for various international Art Book Fairs and acts as an advisor for several art foundations and non-profit organizations. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at the Department of Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts, focusing on artists’ books and contemporary photobooks. His research seeks to uncover the agency of bookmaking and publishing as artistic practice today, exploring the future possibilities of this medium in Asia and its global context.

✨注意事項 Notes

  • 請依實際出席人數報名,活動保證金將於現場退還,本活動恕不退款。如無法參加活動,敬請自行轉讓票券給其他參加人。
  • 講座過程將進行側拍記錄,並於活動後上傳至臉書粉絲專頁、Instagram專頁,日後可能將含有您肖像的照片、影像,使用於活動紀錄或宣傳等用途,報名參與視同同意拍攝,敬請於活動當天配合簽署肖像權使用同意書,謝謝!
  • 無開立發票。
  • Please register according to the number of actual attendees. The deposit will be refunded on-site. This event does not offer refunds. If you cannot attend, kindly transfer your ticket to another participant.
  • The event will be photographed and recorded for documentation, which may include your image. Photos and videos may be used for future promotion or event records on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. By participating, you agree to this and are required to sign a consent form on the day of the event regarding the use of your likeness.
  • Invoices will not be issued for this event.


2:30 下午 - 4:00 下午
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