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2024心村植造所:用植物開啟五感 植覺手作培養計畫 Activate Your Senses with Plants – Hands-on Plant Cultivation Program
07/06 @ 2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午
這一次 跟著 生生植培所 一起來參加我們的感官療癒DIY體驗日吧!
Summer is the perfect time to embrace nature, feel the breeze, and enjoy the lush greenery. The essence of plants can be experienced not only outdoors but also through indoor workshops. Join us at San San Plant Studio for a day of sensory healing DIY activities!
This workshop features three meticulously designed activities: “Plant Kaleidoscope”, “Herb Deodorant Sachet” and “Healing Moss Ball”. These activities are crafted to stimulate your senses of sight, smell, and touch, allowing you to experience the healing power of nature through enjoyable hands-on projects.
活動主軸 Workshop Highlights:
【視覺享受 Visual Delight】:透過植物萬花筒的製作,激發視覺感官,感受植物色彩的魅力。 Create a plant kaleidoscope to stimulate your visual senses and appreciate the vibrant colors of plants.
【嗅覺撫慰 Aromatic Comfort】:香草除臭包的製作,讓您體驗自然香草氣味,舒緩身心。 Make herb deodorant sachets and enjoy the natural fragrances of herbs to soothe your mind and body.
【觸覺體驗 Tactile Experience】:療癒苔球的製作,享受植物與水苔的觸感,體驗植物在手中慢慢形成的樂趣。 Craft a healing moss ball and enjoy the sensation of plants and moss in your hands, experiencing the joy of forming a plant creation.
Sign up now to explore the healing power of plants and enjoy an afternoon filled with sensory stimulation and creativity!
📔活動時間 Date & Time|7/6 (六) (Saturday) 14:00-16:00
📔活動地點 Venue|北投中心新村 Beitou Heart Village(台北市北投區新民路22巷9號 No. 9, Ln. 22, Xinmin Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City)
📔活動名額 Participant Limit|12名 people(一份報名表單為一人次 one registration form per person)
📔活動費用 Fee|NT$400/組 session(含講師費與材料費,此課程價格僅限於中心新村 includes instructor fee and material costs, this price is only available at Beitou Heart Village)
⚠️注意事項 Notes|報名後請盡速完成完成匯款,避免逾期系統釋出名額。 Please complete the payment promptly after registration to secure your spot. Unpaid spots will be released by the system.