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桃園免費職訓課程 銘傳大學無人機競速空拍證照班 Free Training Courses in Taoyuan: MCU Drone Racing Aerial Photography Certification Class

3 6 月, 2024 @ 8:00 上午 - 10 6 月, 2024 @ 5:00 下午

無人機空拍已是時下最熱門的攝影技術,且須具備專業證照,為培養產業人力需求,桃園市政府就業職訓服務處、桃園市政府民政局、桃園市工商發展投資策進會共同委託銘傳大學辦理「113年度創新產業應用培育工作坊 – 無人機競速空拍證照班」,歡迎年滿16歲以上在桃園市轄內就業、就學及待役青年報名,政府補助免學費,7/20-9/7每週六及週日全天,在銘傳桃園校區上課,名額僅錄取30名,即起線上報名至6/10止,線上報名https://reurl.cc/1vkrOm



Drone aerial photography is the most popular photography technique today and requires professional certification. To meet the industry demand, the Taoyuan City Government Office of Employment Services and Vocational Training, Taoyuan City Department of Civil Affairs and Taoyuan City Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Committee have jointly commissioned Ming Chuan University to conduct “2024 Innovative Industry Application Training Workshop – Drone Racing Aerial Photography Certification Class”. This course is open to youths aged 16 and above who are employed, studying, or awaiting conscription in Taoyuan City. The government subsidizes the tuition, making the course free of charge. Classes will be held every Saturday and Sunday from July 20 to September 7 at Ming Chuan University’s Taoyuan Campus. Only 30 applicants will be accepted, and online registration is open until June 10. Register online at https://reurl.cc/1vkrOm.

The course will train students in three main areas: drone racing program design, aerial video production, and familiarity with the Civil Aviation Administration (CAA) certification exam practices. Training will include intuitive response techniques for racing drones, handling rapidly changing visual challenges, aerial drone flying skills, and aerial video program production. The course will also prepare students to obtain the CAA drone certification and learn about legal operations application processes. This will equip students with commercial technical skills related to the drone industry, creating personal value and opportunities for sustainable business operations. The course will be taught by Mr. Yang Feng-rong, who holds a CAA Remote Drone Evaluation Certificate, and Mr. Chen Qi-wen from Cool Fly Drone Promotion Company.

The course is government-subsidized and tuition-free. It is open to individuals aged 16 and above (as of the start of the training) who are employed or studying in Taoyuan City, or conscription-deferred males recommended by Taoyuan City Department of Civil Affairs. Conscription-deferred males interested in the course should contact their respective district offices or the Military Service Section of Taoyuan City Department of Civil Affairs at (03) 335-8560. Registration is open until June 10, and a selection test will be conducted on June 30 at Ming Chuan University’s Taoyuan Campus. For more information, please contact Industry-Academia Collaboration and University Extension Division at Ming Chuan University’s Taoyuan Campus at (03) 359-3856.


3 6 月, 2024 @ 8:00 上午
10 6 月, 2024 @ 5:00 下午
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桃園校區Taoyuan Campus
桃園市, Taiwan