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松菸24小時書店 Eslite Spectrum Songyan Store 24-hour Bookstore|05月活動推薦 May Event Recommendations

05/03 @ 3:30 下午 - 05/31 @ 9:00 下午

「開卷夜讀 LITERARY SALON」|每週讀一本書,尋找世界和諧的文化解答 Read a book every week to find cultural answers for a harmonious world

★ 共讀時間|雙週四晚上 20:00-21:00
★ 開課地點|松菸 3F 議題沙龍
★ 學員報名|採ACCUPASS活動通報名,額滿為止。https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404190940311959901334?utm_source=cb_omo&utm_medium=onthedesk&utm_campaign=1210_2024read
★ 上課提醒|建議可於活動前閱讀活動選書或可自備書籍至現場。
★ 報到時間|請於活動前10分鐘(19:50)完成報到,如未報到完成視同釋出名額,現場開放候補讀者入座參加。

★ Shared Reading Time | Biweekly Thursday nights 20:00-21:00
★ Venue | Literary Salon on 3rd Floor of Eslite Songyan Store
★ Participant Registration | Register via ACCUPASS event notification until full. https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404190940311959901334?utm_source=cb_omo&utm_medium=onthedesk&utm_campaign=1210_2024read
★ Class Reminder | It is recommended to read the selected book before the event or bring your own books to the venue.
★ Check-in Time | Please complete check-in 10 minutes before the event (19:50). Failure to check in on time will be considered as releasing the spot, and standby readers will be allowed to enter on a first-come, first-served basis.

05.09 Thu. 20:00-21:00 蔡源林 Tsai Yuan-lin(政大宗教研究所副教授 NCCU Graduate Institute of Religious Studies Associate Professor)
重拾聖典:追尋宗教的當代意義 Revisiting Scriptures: Exploring the Contemporary Significance of Religion


In this era of rapid change and anxiety, can religious scriptures offer solutions to the challenges of modern society? Religious scholar Tsai Yuan-lin, drawing from the research perspective of the author of this book, Karen Armstrong, leads readers to dissect controversial historical events and gain a fresh perspective on the profound insights of religious traditions into major ethnic groups. Through this exploration, readers will encounter the inspiring spiritual power that answers humanity’s eternal quest.

05.23 Thu. 20:00-21:00 陳永峰 Chen Yung-fe(東海大學通識教育中心副教授、「世界一把抓」主持人 Center for General Education of Tunghai University Associate Professor, Host of世界一把抓)
現在的東亞,正處於危機之中?! Is East Asia in crisis right now?!


Through the diverse perspectives of seven Japanese scholars, East Asia regional expert Chen Yung-fe sheds light on the issues of North Korea, the US-China rivalry, military aircraft patrols, and Sino-Japanese confrontation. By providing insights into the historical context, explains why our homeland finds itself in a state of regional conflict and how these interconnected issues can be transformed into forces for peace, paving the way towards a future world of reconciliation and coexistence.

「週末 DJ Night」|入夜後,以音樂餵養騷動的靈魂們 Feeds the soul with music after dark

★ 放歌時間|單週五晚上 21:00-22:00
★ 音樂現場|松菸 3F 音樂館
★ 入場方式|自由參加,活動開始前30分鐘開放入場。

★ Music Time | Friday night 21:00-22:00
★ Venue | Music Hall, 3rd Floor of Eslite Songyan Store
★ Admission | Free admission, doors open 30 minutes before the event begins.

05.03 Fri. 21:00-22:00 迪斯可狂熱!Back To The 70s-DJ JYT

DJ JYT在各種音樂風格和不同語言之間穿梭,在收與放之間皆帶來驚喜。曾與高爾宣、阿夫、阿法、蛋頭、禮韋等藝人合作,為新興派對廠牌Butter Taipei成員,FakeSober、ruff、barcode駐店DJ。

DJ JYT effortlessly navigates between various music genres and different languages, consistently delivering surprises with every mix. Collaborating with artists like OSN, Suhf, FRαNKIE, BG8LOCC and thehopend, DJ JYT is a member of the emerging party label Butter Taipei. They also serve as resident DJs for FakeSober, ruff, and barcode.

05.17 Fri. 21:00-22:00 迪斯可狂熱!Back To The 70s-DOJA DOG

熱愛R&B節奏藍調與各式黑人音樂的DOJA DOG,從當代、老靈魂樂到爵士,都在他的歌單狩獵範圍,興趣是透過音樂中的取樣元素,探索不同世代間的聲響與連結。現為W Hotel WooBar、Basement Cafe等音樂場域駐場DJ ,同時也是活動廠牌Butter Taipei主辦人。

DOJA DOG, an avid enthusiast of R&B, blues, and various genres of African-American music, delves into contemporary, old-school soul, and jazz in his playlists. He explores the sounds and connections between different generations through sampling elements in music. Currently serving as a resident DJ at music venues like W Hotel WooBar and Basement Cafe, DOJA DOG is also one of the organizers of the event label Butter Taipei.

「音樂現場 Live Music」 3F 音樂館

05.18 Fri. 17:00-18:00 Bettii 杯緹
Bettii 杯緹 首張同名創作專輯 音樂分享會 Music Sharing Event

點開Z世代的青春BGM,打開00後的浪漫奇想,樂壇話題新寵,天然系清新創作—寶藏女孩『Bettii 杯緹』音樂分享會。

Step into the youthful soundtrack of Generation Z, unlock the romantic fantasies of the post-2000s era, and dive into the latest sensation in the music scene. Join us for a music sharing session featuring the naturally fresh creations of the rising star, Bettii, the treasure girl of the music industry.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-7713-4333

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

「尋味玩食 TASTE & FLAVOR」 3F Cooking Studio

05.03 Fri. 15:30-17:00 呂昇達 Lu Sheng-da(烘培名師 Renowned baker)、游舒涵 Eva(甜點店主理人 Owner of a dessert shop)
50款超人氣餅乾食譜全公開! 50 popular cookie recipes fully revealed!
《Cookies!手作餅乾指南》新書發表分享會 New Book Launch and Sharing Session

蛋糕太難?麵包麻煩?這次我們把座標定位在「烘焙入門聖品──餅乾」!由超人氣烘焙名師 呂昇達 feat. 人氣甜點店「all YU can bake」主理人游舒涵Eva,聯手打造,不藏私全公開50款超人氣食譜!邀您親手拼出餅乾地圖,一窺餅乾殿堂!

Finding cakes too difficult? Bread too troublesome? This time, we’re focusing on “Baking Entry-Level Masterpiece – Cookies”! Featuring renowned baking master Lu Sheng-da and popular dessert shop “all YU can bake” founder Eva, together they unveil 50 highly popular recipes with no secrets withheld! Join us to create your own cookie map and explore the cookie paradise firsthand!

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-8521-3848 (張小姐 Ms Zhang)

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.


05.04 Sat. 15:00-16:00 蔡惠民 Cai Hui-min(本書作者、裸食達人 Author of the book)
《裸食日常》新書分享會 New Book Sharing Event


Raw food expert Cai Hui-min, following her series of raw food recipe books, leads readers to explore a richer and more diverse life beyond the kitchen, starting from healthy and beautiful eating habits.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-2500-7008 轉 Ext. 2087

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.04 Sat. 15:00-16:00 李昂 Li Ang(本書作者 Author of the book)
《殺夫》新書分享會 New Book Sharing Event


★《殺夫》Collector’s Edition, with a Special New Preface ★
The author offers firsthand insights, reflecting on the blood-stained path of forty years. Featuring cover and interior illustrations by rising illustrator《漁夫和他的靈魂》Zhuo Pei-xin, along with the first-day newspaper spread, covers from previous editions and various international versions, and a timeline of significant events related to《殺夫》.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-8692-5588 轉 Ext. 5343

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.11 Sat. 20:00-21:00 林奕華 Lin Yi-hua(導演 Director)、鄧九雲 Deng Jiu-yun(作家 Writer)
非常林奕華舞台映画「一一三部曲」映前講座 Pre-screening Lecture

改編自楊德昌導演原創作品《一一》,超越舞台紀錄的映画作品 ───橫跨24年,

★ 「一一三部曲」 Grand Screening ★
Adapted from director Yang De-chang’s original work《一一》, this film transcends the documentary record of the stage, spanning 24 years. From film to stage, and from stage to audiovisual work, it serves as a memorandum of our era for those continuing to move towards the future.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-2762-1788 轉 Ext. 8807

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.12 Sun. 15:00-16:00 張尤金 Zhang You-jin(本書作者 Author of the book)、謝文憲 Xie Wen-xian(暢銷書作家 Writer)
《大谷翔平|武士初心》新書分享會──超越崇拜的野球少年 “Shohei Ohtani: The Samurai Spirit” New Book Sharing Event – Beyond Admiration of a Baseball Youth


In 2023, Shohei Ohtani had a record-breaking year in his baseball career, continuously making history in Major League Baseball (MLB) and garnering immense love from fans worldwide. Shohei Ohtani’s remarkable mental resilience and performance have prompted two bestselling authors to delve into their perspectives on the legendary baseball star.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-2218-1417 轉 Ext. 1221、1222

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.18 Sat. 15:00-16:00 超粒方 Tesscube(百萬Youtuber Million-subscriber Youtuber)、傅弘哲 Fu Hong-zhe(寰宇信徒暨資深譯者 Worldwide believer and Seasoned Interpreter)
布蘭登.山德森《祕密計畫》系列大揭密分享會 Brandon Sanderson’s “The Secret Project” series: A Revealing Discussion Event


What interesting elements can be found in Brandon Sanderson’s “The Secret Project” series, the second wave of which is titled “The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England”? Joining the discussion on the settings and insights of Brandon Sanderson’s “The Secret Project” series are the million-subscriber YouTuber SuperGrain and the worldwide believer and seasoned interpreter Fu Hong-zhe.


Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.19 Sun. 15:00-16:00 劉秝緁(ZZ)(本書作者 Author of the book)
《夾心》新書分享會 New Book Sharing Event

★《Tokyo Baby:東京走很慢》劉秝緁首部散文作品★

★”Tokyo Baby: Walking Slowly in Tokyo” ZZ’s First Prose Work ★
A love letter from an ordinary mother to an extraordinary daughter. How fortunate, to be sandwiched between love, embraced from both sides.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-8789-8880

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.26 Sun. 15:00-16:00 林永勝 Lin Yong-sheng(本書作者 Author of the book)
《沒有最好的季節,轉個念一切都是剛剛好》新書分享會 New Book Sharing Event


Lin Yong-sheng, founder of TA by AKAME, engages in both pottery-making and writing, demonstrating different creative talents with the same down-to-earth and comforting style.
On the one-way journey called “life”, he records the landscapes of his life, feelings, memories, reflections, and musings, pouring them out between the lines of his writing.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|02-2306-6600 轉 Ext. 8416

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.

05.31 Fri. 20:00-21:00 黃惠如 Huang Hui-ru(本書作者 Author of the book)
《慢老2.0》新書分享會 New Book Sharing Event


You might live longer than you imagine, but are you prepared for it?
With over 20 years of experience in health and medical journalism, Huang Hui-ru proposes a new concept in the face of an aging society: “Shorten the elderly period, extend the healthy middle age”.
By focusing on daily habits to push back the need for assistance from others, she advocates for fighting for the quality of life in the last 10 years of life, allowing loved ones to avoid the burden of care.

聯絡電話 Contact Number|客服電話:02-2662-0332 按 press 9、按 press 1(服務時間 Service Period:週一至週五 Mon-Fri,09:00-17:30,例假日除外 except holidays and weekends)

Admission | Free entry, limited seats available, first come first served.
Note | In case of event suspension or changes due to weather or other factors, please refer to on-site announcements.


05/03 @ 3:30 下午
05/31 @ 9:00 下午
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